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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. If I dont sell it: Levers Rearsets shield PCIII USB PC ignition system Exhaust Tires Paint (still thinking through the design) Suspension Undertail I've got alot I want to do to this bike this winter if it keep it.
  2. the new tax structure might not take effect until 2010 if Obama lets them run their coarse. If he doesnt then the Lower/Middle class will then receive the cuts while the upper class (top 10%) will have their taxes raised. Also, the republicans are trying as hard as they can to pass a new stimulus bill to spend more money before they have to leave office.
  3. For those of you out there that have not heard of a tune boy I would suggest looking at one. The power commander is an after the ECU program while the tune boy actually changes the ECU calculations and it can decifer codes allow you to map any way you want. Theres a guy on a Daytona forum that remapped his bike to run off ethanol. Also it records your bike while your riding so its basically a daily dyno. http://www.tuneboy.com.au/Compare/Compare.html So what do you guys think about the PCIII comparison?
  4. I think the sites down..... im getting a database error.
  5. you are british it should be in your blood to figure out their shitty design
  6. I'll be there we better win this game
  7. I've met a lot of friends... gotten extremely hammered... and rode with some great people.
  8. I'm not disagreeing that is why I said this guy wont be going near a golf cart next year.... Although I think (too drunk to remember) I had a blast on it.
  9. that would have been nicky bobby while i was in back....... Safe to say next year this guy wont be going anywhere near a golf cart
  10. Wow if you think friday was tame you obviously didnt see me with yota....
  11. I was waiting for this to be posted... and i think their tommy:D
  12. The best part about this is I still dont know what happened and that makes it so much better! Great weekend!
  13. I should have hired someone to tape my stupid ass friday that would have made some hilarious footage.
  14. Welcome! I faintly remember a sprayer of rum on friday...... then I woke up saturday it was like my golf cart sent me back to the future......
  15. Fucked up.... could you imagine him coming to the front of the bus all bloody and carrying the head of that guy... wow just wow
  16. you want to do some body work my genius mother backed intoa telephone pole i took it to a dealership they said $3100
  17. should be a good ride sorry guys I can't make it if you come to mid-ohio let me know.
  18. I'm debating if I should ride up there when I get off @ 1:00pm on Friday or go home and take a nap first..... So I'll be riding up after work at 1:00pm I'll need to prolly barrow someones Cage to go grab some liquid courage and ice.
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