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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. so they gave me this peice of paper that says quote for quote: "I am applying for the Traffic Safety Program. I understand if I comply with all the terms of the Program, my case will be dismissed." So I'm going to go ahead and just pay the fine do the course and not have it on my license. Thank you god:bow:
  2. I was going 65 when I got popped by the cop but about 10 minutes earlier i was going around that speed if not a lil faster..... I didn't notice the plane because I was paying attention to the traffic in front of me. once I got up around the 36-37 exit there were like 4 cops all hiding... I pulled off the exit to try and make a lil get away but the cop was ready for me he wascrusing in the median at about 50 then ramped it up when i went by to get right behind me if i ran..... The tickets for Delaware Co. still think they will drop the speed on it?
  3. I'm with you on that one i mean who needs a valid drivers license, and its not like a warrant for my arrest is going to do any good.
  4. So I'm crusin on 71 on my way home from seeing my parents at around 9am this morning I make it all the way down from Vermilion with no problems. Once I hit outside columbus (36/37) A cop is just chillin waiting for me. He got behind me and I'm done for. Seems to me the Airplane speed patrol calculated me doing 101mph. The tickets $160 which kind of sucks but it was only a matter of time before I got a ticket. The cop was cool as hell about it. I think I'm just gonna pay it and call it a night, what do you think?
  5. Female Jocks............. nuff said
  6. that last one made me puke
  7. might not be fair but i could possibly sub in for ben if no one steps up..... but if my teams practicing then I might have to bounce
  8. Rushing should be allowed, It would suck for the QB if he/she is getting rushed on and cant pass the line of scrimmage (obviously no forward laterals though). We used to play using open and closed plays meaning if a guys the qb he can throw to a guy one play but the next completion has to be either to a girl or a girl throwing it to a guy. if a girls your QB its game on the entire game. I always hated the you cant block using your hands rule because a quick person can just run right around the blocker and BAM Ray Lewis all night long, but it is a good rule cause it keeps accidental slaps to the face etc. from happening and someone getting pissed. Are there going to be point differentials for guys and girls for example a guy gets 6pnts for a touchdown a girl gets 9pnts (not trying to be sexist but its a good thing) There should be an option for extra points such as 1, 2, 3 points. 1 point should be 2 yards from the endzone, 2 should be 4, 3 should be 6 yards. You should disclose whether you punting or grunting....
  9. Red Team, Since I havent met any of you I think it would be great if we held a practice before our first game..... How does this Sunday sound? This way we can figure out who's best for what position. We will dominate this league.
  10. You dont want a desk job they get old real quick..... I've been looking at joining the navy for diving school after my company just got bought out... If you like hands on youll hate office jobs.
  11. haha I dont need apologies folks my fault for being anal and leaving...
  12. sorry, I'm never late.... I was in my truck
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