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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. anyone have a SawZaw or something to cut my exhaust can down with also I would need a rivet gun to put the cap back on...........:-) I would definetly like to do this while my bikes down for the next couple days.
  2. you should probably buy a new bike if your chains loose.....
  3. theres paint left hopefully enough to do the three fairings and i got a buddy coming over to help me knock out the sanding and fiberglass work. I'll have that done tonight hopefully the bike will be done by the Saturday so I can ride in the scavenger hunt.
  4. Yota and I were out riding last night and making a turn into a parking lot and BAM! Down goes the bike in some gravel:(. Considering I just painted my bike I was highly pissed off:mad:. I'm perfectly fine, the bike on the other hand has some nasty gouges in her:nono:. My schedule will go like this: Day 1: Sand, Fiberglass, and Prep Day 2: Shoot and work out any imperfections Day 3: Clear, Buff, and PolishAny help to get this bitch done by Friday night would be fantastic. I'll have beers and will make some burgers.... you know you want to help :-)
  5. i think you lose alot on the top end if you go down one in the front. If you want to do wheelies and stuff like that I'd go down one in the front but if you like going 120+ stay stock.
  6. Jester's a good rider just dont have your roomate run over his helmet:D
  7. the weather wasnt that bad its the driving through the giant streams and getting splashed by cars that sucked. I love riding in the rain theres something relaxing about it.
  8. if your not looking to do make it as sexy as mine then rattle can it cost you like 50 bucks tops get some 400 grit and 1000 grit paper sand all the fairings down (make sure to go in circles and use a block to make it all flat) Go over it with 1000 grit to make it smooth Paint Dry Done and doneThis is easiest so you dont have to mess with clear coat, etc. etc. Just make sure the fairings are flat since your painting it black every belmish shows up like a sore thumb.
  9. I'm in and need a team..... preferably some from the group ride yesterday
  10. good ride today!!!! thanks for havin me.
  11. ill be there depending on how drunk/late i stay out tonight.
  12. Definetly today, friday, 6/13/2008 since the thread was started yesterday:cheers:
  13. You'll still be hung over at 7:00 I hear you can pick up some stuff at the supermarket for that, I cant remember what its called.... ohh wait Vagisil j/k:lol:
  14. I'm down I just hope someone else is fast and can cover me or I'll be in the end zone like Lionel Richie "all night long".
  15. its free food people....... I’m going to get burgers, hot dogs, and maybe some mystery meat I don’t know you’ll have to wait and see. If you all can bring your fancy beverages you prefer to sip on (hopefully someone brings some 40’s on Old English or COBRA to class up this get together) that would be FAN-TASTIC. We’ve got corn hole/bags and some darts. Maybe you could bring some side dishes like pasta salad, brownies, pigs feet, whatever floats your boat. Let me know if your coming that would be a little nice too.
  16. lucky im heading down there round 8ish
  17. looks like we'll be rain riding again.
  18. All are invited but should PM reply by 5 Friday, today, 6/13/2008!!!!! to let me know your coming I get enough stuff. Also you should PM for directions just so I dont have some fucking creepers creepin up in my shit. or you can ask me tonight at lodge.
  19. BBQ My place tomorrow @ 7 off henderson PM for directions.
  20. I came and introduced myself at shell later :-)
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