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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. I'm riding from henderson w/ 4 people if you want to join us.
  2. still have the merc hero jacket? If so ill take it off ur hands friday? The GF kinda just took my jacket
  3. I really cant believe this discussion is taking place... They rode through DC they showed their support for our troops, vets, MIA, etc. etc. if it was that big of a problem to people use your freedom and go some place else.......
  4. whys the jacket gotta be blue damn i so would have bought it for the OL if it was anything but blue
  5. can you get me a pick of the girls jacket?
  6. i've become the master of the mityvac my brakes are so hard it makes me hard:ky:
  7. I refuse to wave at a scooter, trike, or side by side. I'll wave at everything else........ I also enjoy it when people on the opposite side of the highway wave.
  8. Last time I went it sucked because all the kids think their hardasses and I'm just not into that whole scene. I'm going down cause a few of my frends graduate this week and its like one last hirah.
  9. i just bought a mightyvac, i miust be a fuckin idiot because i cant get these fuckin brakes to pump up...... anyone want to come over and give a hand some time......
  10. thats one disturbing site..... wont keep me from riding though.............
  11. Saturday 6/7 anyone want to go to OU? We can stay with my boys party it up......
  12. anyone got one i can barrow seems like if someone has one would be a waste for me to blow 40 bones on it
  13. theres definetly air in the lines alot of it..... the pads are fine and have alot of life left on them. I'm going to get a pump tomorrow... so for all you who need one come on over..
  14. My brakes have gotten extremely mushy and i need to bleed the air out bad i tried to do it but it didnt work....... anyone want to give a hand?
  15. last time I called in sick was the Friday after me and yota rode to the first bike night they would catch on....... plus I'm a manager and superhuman in their eyes
  16. so pissed I wont be able to make it this week. The man is keeping me down by making me work nights this week.
  17. Jester1K and myself were riding down Morse in the rain today and pulled up at a light next toa guy in a WRX. The douche guns it on green but doesnt know how to shift and we passed him just cruising pretty funny.
  18. should prolly say on the flyer dont come till 8ish.....
  19. You arnt the only one that messed that up...... we rode past it and was like umm no ones there lets just go to QSL
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