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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. I came this close, but pussed when I thought about the wife having all that money from the insurance.
  2. Damn. That was quick. Right time of year.
  3. If she does that, she will not drive again for many years.
  4. I agree with Imprez. I've taken some enormous shits and I can still hold back the wateriest of beer shits.
  5. Drop the handlebars and run it up in the back of the burb.
  6. This is a super straight and very solid unit that this fog brained Bubby is going to regret selling the second he signs it over. Get it quick before he comes to his senses. I hope he comes to his senses first. It's in really great shape. Don't do it, Tim. It will sit for a year or 3 just fine and you know you will be able to get out with us on it a few times a year.
  7. I may have one available soon. I don't think it's gonna work.
  8. Nice! I need one for the camper that says Tiltin Hiltin in some sort of hillbilly font. I think it was 16"x60". Can't remember.
  9. Manual trans? I'm not putting another $2k transmission in another Nissin.
  10. Auto tune. Making talentless people millions since 2009. That vid is the best use of auto tune to date.
  11. I think you just knows so much about YZF 600s because you like the chisel chest guys who ride them.
  12. Thanks brother. That's a good idea. Maybe I'll pick up a sewing needle and some material and give it a shot. I took one semester of home ec in high school. If I can make a race Car pillow, I think I can handle it. By the way, they fit Like a glove. A sweaty well oiled glove.
  13. Who the fuck cares, douche bag. It's a fucking YZF600. Just because I ride a Yamaha doesn't mean I worship them like you do Hondas.
  14. Bubbys shitting in it? That does not compute. I will padlock that bitch. Pooping chair will be for me and the wimminz. Whoever poop in it immediately ties up the trash bag and takes it to the trash. This is Bubby camping.
  15. Bubby, you better come riding with us this year. Sure, if you don't mind white nuckles.
  16. I will quit knocking it when the shit filled toilet is removed and the Rotten wood is gone. I'm kicking around the idea of taking out the toilet and black water tank altogether also. Going to replace it with a poop chair and a bucket.
  17. This! Driving in on it will probably be my only trip down the dragon. Much better roads in the area.
  18. I am most likely working on a POS camper tomorrow.
  19. And riding a blackbird is like dating a fat girls uglier sister.
  20. I'll be more than happy to pick it up. I have a truck. Pm me your address and availability. Thanks man.
  21. Look for a Honda ST. they can be had for >$3k. Typical Honda. Not exciting, just bulletproof sport touring platform.
  22. Yeaaah. I've heard all of those except cat being associated with anything other than Katana.
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