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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Shouldn't be a problem, not sure when we are leaving.
  2. Been there, done that, and it sucks. Its still very hard to think about and always will be. The year between finding that my dad had brain cancer and him dying from it was the hardest year of my life. Spend as much time as you can with him and keep his spirits up. Use the hospice services. They will make your life so much easier. Get plenty of rest and make sure your mom does the same. Sorry you have to go through this man, I wouldn't wish your situation on my worst enemy. FUCK CANCER
  3. With 5 mile long backups. If its still down to 1 lane I will be seeking an alternate route.
  4. So are you gonna post up that detour or are you gonna PM it to me?
  5. Dude! Don't sell it. There has to be another way. That thing is beautiful. I'm with Redkow, if I had the cash, id buy it just to sell it back to you. Sorry about your trouble, I hope you find another way.
  6. your car gets better mileage than my motorcycle.
  7. Wow, people still steal car stereos? How retro! Hide your shit, take the cover plate off (if it has one) and hide the amps and use OEM grills for the speakers if at all possible. Tint the windows as dark as you dare and be prepared to maim the fuck out of the theif with a baseball bat backed with a concealed hand cannon. Also, don't go around thumpin your shit in the neighborhood like some brokedick G in the ghetto. Not saying that you do, TR.
  8. Damn! That's a new low for skank-ism.
  9. Thats the weekend before the Gap trip. I doubt anyone will have the time. May be able to do a day ride though.
  10. Its a gamble when you choose to ride, period. Don't get me wrong, I won't ride without a helmet, but I don't have a false sense of invincibility with one. You go off into trees at a high rate of speed, helmet or not, it won't end well.
  11. A helmet is no guarantee of living, it just helps your chances. The higher you rate of speed, the less it increases your chances
  12. Saw this on the news last night. They sent homicide to the scene as he had a hole in the back of his head and witnesses heard a loud pop before he left the road. Weird.
  13. A Taurus is an awful idea. Very weak transmission. 2 wheel drive, 5 speed, 4cyl. Toyota I've pulled 3 ATV's and a weekends worth of camping gear with a 4x4 on 31's to WV several times. It'll handle your trackday duties plus anything else you want within reason for many years with basic maintenence.
  14. Looks like you bubbys had fun. So 83 is no good above 70? Id like to run up 39 sometime. We need to ride up there sometime.
  15. Um, well, the tweezer idea is ok, I guess.
  16. English people are the gayest.
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