so much lawlz. No one bags on you guys for riding what you like to ride. We bag on you for being typical Harley guys. My bike is better than those crotch rockets, rice burners, blah, blah, blah. Its a broken record and it makes you sound dumb. I have ridden with lots of HD riders who are cool, and many who sneer at anything not HD and look down on everyone else while wearing buttless chaps and a leather hat! I don't care what you ride, dude, as long as you are cool. So don't come at us with the typical Harley guy bullshit and all is well. And I can only afford a trailer because I didn't buy a $15k used bike. I also trailer so I can get all my gear, beer and tools down there with me and in case someone has a mishap. Its much cheaper than a tow from the Gap to Ohio.