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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. That looks like a pretty nice route. How many days are you planning to do that?
  2. A bullet tends to shut a dog down with a quickness. Dont think that most people brazen and desperate enough to break into your house are not brazen enough to be armed.
  3. Yup. I think we are going down on thursday.
  4. Its the weekend after labor day. Can't change dates?
  5. Not really looking to do high end stuff here right now. I could go a little over 400 if need be, but not really looking to if I don't have to. Maybe the system I have is what I need but, I'm kinda scared of the all in 1 deal. If either component goes bad, I'm screwed and I'd prefer to have a powered sub. That doesn't seem to exist in the all in 1 set ups.
  6. Wow, lucky you. No dead bear pics?
  7. That gun is junk. You should give it to me and get a better one.
  8. There is an Old Bag a Snails in Pickerington?
  9. Sent mine to Spencer http://greatdaytoride.com/Home_Page.php He did a great job (as in it looks totally stock) and now I can stand to be on the bike for more than an hour. Cost under $100 with shipping. Come over and sit on the FZ. See what you think.
  10. Thanks for all the input guys. I have this system: http://www.lg.com/us/tv-audio-video/home-theater-systems/LG-home-theater-system-LHB336.jsp sitting in a box right now and I'm not sure its the best bang for my buck. I have just over $300 in it and about 2 weeks left to return it. My requirements are: Blu-ray player (not necessarily integrated into the system, but purchased in the $400 budget), powered sub (this system is passive) and small surround speakers (going on window sill) that sound great.
  11. Does that come with a blu-ray player? I'd prefer a powered sub also.
  12. Nice camera system. How much do you have wrapped up in that? $57/mo? You are dead to me.
  13. Uh, see above. They have chosen to invade. This is war. It's never pretty.
  14. True! I dont want to take any chances of getting sprayed by this beast. It cant spray when its dead.
  15. OOOoooo, I gots a great big one this time!!! Who wants to bring their pig popper over?
  16. Only go with ADT if you want a system that you can only use with ADT and if you want to be locked into a minimum 2 year contract. Their customer service is among the worst. They use half-wit subcontractors for most of their residential installs. Some of them know what they are doing, most dont. What do you see as competitive pricing? I suggest going with someone local who will sell you a system and monitoring separately. If you dont llike their service, you can go with whom ever you want and monitoring is WAY cheaper if you own the system. You pay dearly for the "Free" systems in the high monthly payment and the system that ADT sells you is locked and impossible for anyone else to monitor because you cant change the dialer numbers.
  17. I bought a new tv recently and picked up an LG Blu-Ray/surround sound combo to go with it. It has been brought to my attention that this might not be the way to go. Since I haven't opened the box yet and I have 30 days to return it, I figured I ask the opinions of the collective. Keeping in mind my under $400 budget, what brands/features do you guys recommend and why? I also have to buy a high def dvd player in that 4 hundo budget. It has to sound good (but doesn't need to blow the doors off the place) and have small surround speakers since they have to sit on window sills. So what do I need?
  18. Wow, this thread went to shit in a jiffy. How is this not in RnR?
  19. Also a little late, but thanks.
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