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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. I found a solid kit for $50 http://www.amazon.com/1995-1998-FORD-WINDSTAR-SWAY-BAR/dp/B004B29IBA As long as I can get the bolts out of the holes, it shouldnt be a big deal. I'll cut the rest of it out. It just pisses me off that shit keeps falling off this thing. As far as it being a postal van, My cousin is a carrier and says that even though they get all short drive city miles, they are pretty well maintained. Driving it without the sway is a no go cuz I do auto cross the thing. It handled like shit coming home from Amanda Saturday. I think it was the butt sniffers moms POS car that was leaking oil in my driveway. It is in the snow at the very end of the drive.
  2. It'll be fine. They just slice your bag open, cut your juice tubes and seer them shut with a sottering iron, then sew you up like a football. Easy Peazy.
  3. Yeah, but that window had it comin...
  4. I have a really accurate .22, I'll take care of it. Or you could go to WV and try to get with Brandine in front of her momma. She will Glock it for you.
  5. Yeah, cuz I want to spend $3.50+ on a gallon of fuel for a near 200k leaking time bomb and still have a payment.
  6. In doing research, all I read about is guys having to replaced the motors on these things at low mileages, but most of them were built with the 3.8 which has heat and head warpage issues. About the only good thing about this one is that it has the 3.0 which is supposedly a good motor, at least by Ford standards.
  7. Yes, yes it was. The fishin shack pulls that caliber of ass, which you'd know if you'd stick around.
  8. The service van is up to its old habits again. The neighbor and I were talking in the driveway yesterday and noticed big drops of oil in the snow. Immediately suspecting the only non Toyota on the property, I crawled under the Windstar to see where it was leaking from. The good news: its dry as a bone. The bad news: The fucking sway bar is snapped in half!!!! I call Ford about the current recalls today; Cruise Control- which it doesnt have but they want me to bring it in anyway and, Oh yeah, the rear axle could SNAP IN HALF while driving causing a loss of control catastrophy, but for some reason my particular van isnt included although when I bring it in for the cruise control recall (it doesnt even have cruise) they'll do me a solid and have a look at it!!!! Although they acknowledge that the sway bars are hollow pipe and do break, there is no recall at this time. That is, there will be no recall untill someone dies from this bloated Taurus rolling down the road in mid turn. And you wonder why I am such a Toyota fanboy. At least they own up to their problems and fix them. So, after a year of ownership and 5,000 miles on a 40,000 mile van I have had to replaced all the brakes, rotors drums and hardware, Rebuild the transmission, replace the sway bars and its begging for new O2 sensors. Fuck You Mr. Ford. Never again. If I could get anything near what I have in this piece of shit, I'd sell it in a heartbeat. /rant.
  9. PREACH ON BROTHA FONZIE!!!! Steelers earned that win and and every one before it. They have been handed NOTHING this year.
  10. Cool, Moose is looking for a place to crash. PM him.

  11. Yep. Just booked a room last night.

  12. Theres no such thing as a bengals fan...unless they're winning.
  13. Maybe you should just sell the mount, store the stone and give it to the next one instead of taking the heavy loss? There is always gonna be another one and It would save you monies in the long run to just recycle the rock. Uh oh, I hope the wimminz dont see this.
  14. All you haters can kindly suck it. that is all.
  15. The Kid drunk dialed me last night. Wouldn't even talk dirty or breath heavy or nuthin.
  16. You hirrbirries drink shitty beer.
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