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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. You should probably thank Gump. That thing has gone OR viral.
  2. Shew, I thought you were gonna say you liked this Horsemen movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDbsfawgtpI
  3. Shouldnt you be busy finding us pictures of hot nekkid wimmins?
  4. Not a super serious poll, just want the fun stuff back. This summer sucked on OR. Its all Yotas fault. If it gets these yahoo's attention and gets them to focus on whats important (showing us a good time) then the terrorists have not won.
  5. I'm in man. You know where ever shit is being blown up, I am there.
  6. That'll work. Hey Gump, go pick that up for me.
  7. In this political election season, I implore you, the good (and not so good) people of OR, to bring back the social backbone of our little community. Please bring back CBRGirl (our spiritual leader), Yota (our bike night maestro) and Moose (the hostess with the mostest). Since these 3 important members have gone AWOL, OR's social world (non-virtual gatherings) have decreased dramatically to blowing shit up at Todd's (which is a blast) and a few Shallowtail shows (which I havent been too due to distance and guaranteed drunkeness). Lets bring these fun kids back into the fold so that we can have fun social events, bike nights and parties at the extremely accommodating KoC. Make your vote count kids.
  8. Theres nothing racist about the fact that people from third world countries cant drive worth shit. I hope you find that fucker and beat him to within inches. Look over by the airport. There are a ton of sheet heads over there.
  9. Not to mention what Good Morning America will probably pay them. Then there is People mag., etc.
  10. Wow, Awesome. If you served, you deserve a hell of alot more than a $1500 bonus. Congratz, you boys deserve it.
  11. Holy shit thats retarded. Take them to Obama, maybe he'll make sense to them.
  12. I noticed it when I got across the bridge on rt. 7 @ Ravenswood. Fixed it at a gas station cuz I gots a sweet set of tools. I couldnt leave it on the side of the road. It had one of my quads and Caspers DR on it.
  13. We went down there friday night. We had an hour and a half stop in Ravenswood when the left wheel bearing on the trailer had a catastrophic failure. We were only on 77 for about 8 miles from Ravenswood to Ripley.
  14. This clown is down. Unfortunately, Moose has been MIA lately.
  15. haha, cant have them rolling around.
  16. As you should. We are not our brothers keepers nor is the Man ours.
  17. Its a fine state for pursuing leisurely activities. Good times, good people.
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