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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. They are comfy compared to any modern super sport.
  2. I just hear people say it all the time. "I dont need a security system, I have a gun". As if the gun is going to protect the house and its contents for you when you are gone. Or this classic, "I dont need a security system cuz I have a big, mean dawg!" Oh yeah? I have a big ass steak. Now your dawg is helping me carry your shit out.
  3. You know so arabs huh? Get a sense of humor sheety.
  4. And pretty common. Having a gun is a dumb excuse for not having a security system.
  5. First, I can't believe you got any replies to this thread, but since you did, I had one. It was a decent bike even though it was a little heavy by todays standards. All they are is a 90's gixxer. Whats the deal with all the haterz?
  6. I'm not saying they were my favorite, I was more of a Buzzcocks and Clash fan at the time, but Sid and Johnny set the precedent of what it was to be punk. No one else ever came close.
  7. Dammit woman! Dont give dat monsta no tree fiddy!!!
  8. Gun safes are convenient transport containers for a thief with a dolly.
  9. Sheets. Like what A-rabs wear on their heads.
  10. Thats nice! Until someone breaks into your house while you are gone and steals it.
  11. They set the template of what punk rock is.
  12. Fuck NO! The Sex Pistols!
  13. Whatever you think of him, the guy mainstreamed one of the greatest underground musical genres ever and made famous arguably the greatest punk band to ever grace the earth.
  14. I stole it. It was too funny to pass up. I've got a buddy who is blind and I wanted to ask him, but then I realized he doesnt facebook.
  15. Porter doesnt exist. he's a bot. I even went to his work to see him and he was "at lunch" I think he is just Chevy's alter ego.
  16. Talk to Shmuckgirl. She is a tall chick. She can tell you what fits, where to get it etc.
  17. My wife woulda had a ball squeezing that big ass back zit, ya druggie.
  18. Cant afford to lawyer up as I is poor. I'm gonna try to do the talk to the prosecutor route I guess. I already have 1 from 08 and cant afford another one in case someone actually offers me a job. Insurance will go up with this one also.
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