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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. No shit! Eff the rain... My bike and i will be there
  2. lmao.. so happy not to have to hear taht shit.. on a happy note, lots of pics are uploading on the junkies site as we type
  3. i think i will take 5 mph law at the other campground than that crap! wow... i'm glad i didnt hear any of it, although im not sure how. chris said he didnt hear it either!
  4. you should come this weekend dammit
  5. cbrjess0815


    I see all of them so far...
  6. It is a car course thats for sure. yes the bus stop is annpying as hell. i didn't understand turn 1 until i had been to grattan backwards. I finally understand that you can be full throttle throught 1 and carry all that speed into 2. I think 3 is just a fun setup for 4. Grattan helped me understand that because the turn at the end of the straight is super fast too...
  7. The bustop aggravates me.. I feel like i get it wrong every lap!
  8. no shit.. now i must begin planning for next weekend now!! E, ii am still trying for a bigger generator. I dont think i will have any problem getting you warmers but generators are few and far between unless monger doesnt take his this weekend. I'll ask him when i see him on tuesday
  9. ahh deadbear. what a turn. i was terrified of that turn all day. just could not get the entry speed down! but i was seriously working at getting 1,2, and 3 down. going into turn 1 hot at over 100 is pretty fucking sweet! advanced group was great. way better than intermediate!
  10. yes what an amazing day!!!! pics to come soon!!
  11. ok i'm not gonna lie. the junkies re notorious for being late and as i have been working on the damn bike all night ididnt get to load much in the trailer. we are schedlued to roll out at noon from brandons but in the event that it doesnt happen, ya'll might beat us up there... if that happens, you can get the sites still just tell them i will be paying for them when i get there and they will be cool. they love us crazy racers so it wont be a big deal. anyone has any problems, questions, or conccerns just call me apch8r has my number
  12. if you head up saturday afternoon you're welcome to camp with us!!
  13. well i yelled enough to get the manager to bring them to me
  14. Oh my god.. Well i got my check but fedex fucked up once again now i'm about to have a breakdown
  15. no, the femmoto price will actually be more expensive than the 225.. when bought with femmoto it will be 270, she'll have to email stt to get credited the 45
  16. Awwww.. That was so cute! I know i hate marriage and all but that video just cheered me up quite a bit!! Happy tear
  17. got that covered too.. hmm it IS lunch time lol
  18. i'm prescribed xanex but they are all at home! i could really use one right about now. that way i just dont give a fuck and yell at them until they write me a check!! it really does fuck with your head when you find out you didnt paid.
  19. i'll be at the track this weekend. camping and lake tomoro, ride sunday. this stress is no bueno right before what should be a fantabulous weekend. oh wait, thats right, I CANT FUCKING GO IF I HAVE NO MONEY!! grr, more stress
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