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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. NO! i hated riding the 03. i thought i was gonna fall over. that 11 pc frame sucks balls. edit: sorry, i now realize that wasnnt directed at me. carry on......
  2. i my defense, britt is SUPPPPEEERRRR hotttt. like way hot. like, wow that girl is awesome. so i cant blame mr anderson here. i wasnt even sure how to act! plus i was wasted. and so was britt LOL (so much fun) Yes, mr anderson needs help talking to the ladies. first step is the arms. quit holding yourself when talkin. arms at sides or being used for clarification in a story. THATS ALL. no crossing then across your chest. or clenching fists. just shows you're nervous. you didn't do too bad for talking, we were just on a partying warpath so we kind of killed that whole talking idea. but yea, body language is totally key dood. thats gonna be your forst step: physical relaxation
  3. ^true story, i took an older cbr on the track and it was a pain in my ass on the track compared to my new one.. if you're goig old, get the gsxr, new? get the honda fo shizzle
  4. you will LOVE it. i promise! are yo doing clockwise or backwards???
  5. the motor? ita a honda. do you have to ask?????????? it will last. you need to be concerned about electronics and prepared to deal with that kind of promlem should it arise. but no, its not a suzuki so it shouldnt blow up as that speedometer rolls on
  6. you can walk it during the saturday evening break. my only pointer is gonna be hard for you to face: the bumps are there, but ride over them as if they arent. thats the only advice i will give you for this track. its not super fast, like you will discover a Putnam, it is slower speeds, but more lean angles(like mid ohio) and you will be going over some crazy bumpy shit. IMO, yes it sis very bumpy, but thats why this track is so fun. if you face that hinderance head on and hit the turns that have bumps as if they arent there, you will learn how to haul serious ass. and you can too! thats the cool thing about grattan. if you ignore the bumps, it has the same challange as mid ohio, with a twist!!
  7. the fact that i was on a bike that at first i didnt understand. then, once i figured it out, they switched it to counter clockwise(which, as it turns out, is waaayyyyy more fun anyway) and i kept thinking about wrecking brandon's bike. so i couldnt push myself as hard o go as fast. I definitely have to go back for 2 days with my bike and master that damn track. I love it too much to not fully understand it

  8. the one with a motor and 2 wheels
  9. btw, has anyone else noticed how freakishly tiny my hands look in every pic???
  10. grattan was amazing! the angles that seemed weird to me turned out the best. and the pics where i look super slow? i thought i was hauling ass. this track is still a mystery to me and definitely warrants another visit. SOON!
  11. ps that means i might end up half nakked on it lol. but you have to let me ride it lmao
  12. i will totally take Zach's bike for him, fusion. and do the photoshoot!!!!!!!!!!! *jump on this Zach! *
  13. zach! you're back! when are you legal man? i ran into Cephas at the mid ohio races... i never get on the site anymore. it was definitely a 'boyfriend's' site sort-of-thing anyways
  14. nice... only you would find that adam!
  15. honda for the muthafuckin win. i would know. look at my sig and then look at my latest thread about my trip to grattan. do you see a knee oon the ground? no. Don't get me wrong, I got my knee down that day and on that bike. it was lack of will and effort that the photographer didn't put forth to cuse no pics of such occurance. but still.. i was throwin down knees always with the honda
  16. so do i... it felt really weird being on somebody else's bike. definitely hindered progress. grattan is a teechnical and bumpy(altho i do <3 the bumps) track and i cant allow myself mentally to go out and let go on someone else's bike. i was not at all unsatisfied with my performance once we left but at first on saturday i was highly discouraged. i felt like i needed to be in novice. but as the days progressed i learned to love that bike after all!
  17. It was a great time. Learnning a new bike on a track is never easy but in the end it was fun to put around grattan on a very fun bike. my favorite part was without a doubt, annihilating peopl in the straightaway. while I would love to have more pics(especially of the battles I had with some of the other riders) I'm extremely happy with that weekend. Props to Suziki for making a very fun bike and props to Brandon for letting me ride it for a weekend. That made it the best 4th of July I've ever had....
  18. Of course! You gonna be there?

  19. lol... the link casper put up here says they are easy to take care of. he's at work with me now
  20. Thats what I am thinking he's really tiny though. I think a cricket might eat him!
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