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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. Taints are guys only... i dont know what ours are called but its not taint!
  2. I would rock one of those shirts fo sho.. Even though I technically do not have a taint.
  3. nice... That story does not surprise me at all. People cannot drive in florida
  4. hell yea... just copy one of the sheep smilies from here and put it in the corner.. that would be sooo perfect
  5. lol thats awesome.. I think integrating a sheep in there somewhere is a good idea too
  6. Do you have any pics of your RR??
  7. Hope you get it fixed soon Travis!!
  8. its been raining all day down here... sucks ass
  9. That sucks! Glad you are ok though...
  10. I just read all of it and I think its a joke.. but thats too funny
  11. i dont know that healea will be at this one??? hahahahahaha
  12. I think everyone thought that was a drug induced typo for tailbone.. lol
  13. Yea I figured it was for 2 days but thats still alot holy bajeezus lol.. Femmoto is great discount, I sooooo wish mid ohio honored it. Definitely go regardless! You will have fun and there will be tons of people there that will help you out. Just make sure you have someone to call in case something does happen. You'll be fine, STT has a good novice class. Have fun and keep it shiny side up!!
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