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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Face to face a good app never had a issue with it.
  2. ugh... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106747
  3. clay just needs a big pink Barbie jeep
  4. hes probably too old to know what youtube even is. I will revisit this post in a few years when its legal and ask so ughh pics of the daughter :gabe:
  5. yeah his tilted back and was spiffy. loaded his z06 on it
  6. putty would you just buy a audi already?!?!
  7. not a big fan of the new ones. old ones where its at http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=6&pictureid=4012 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=6&pictureid=4016
  8. You are 100% right phil, thank you.
  9. Any one have any leads on some part time work during the week in the evenings? 4Pm and later. Have experience in call centers, and restaurants as a server, but I am open to much of anything to make a few extra bucks. Or a nice full time job during the day that pays some what decent?
  10. ahhh enjoy a Stromboli for me mmmmm
  11. what do you mean what?Your sig is huge and takes up most of the screen tool.
  12. yeah I can imagine being stuck in the same room as that geriatric
  13. http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/v/s480x480/862888_578119852199931_676544181_n.jpg?oh=90e021503322c46dfcdfe27f10f0a20e&oe=51355F37&__gda__=1362526953_d2fe5b89e74059fee90eb75aea12a2d0
  14. Cool story. .. maybe you should ride your bicycle around town and tell this same story!
  15. Shit box hit anything else? Is it dead?
  16. yeah I modded the srt4 and beat the ever living shit out of it too also always had a beater as a back up daily just incase it broke.
  17. Bet I can mow my lawn faster then you can yours.. get somee God I cant wait untill spring time!!
  18. Sushi? Dam, well have fun I'm going to get something slathered in bbq sauce. AMERICAAA!!
  19. pleaseee his hooked. haven't you ever done a 80 roll with him? ahh the good old days
  20. did you really think it would last very long.. come on
  21. my moms was a beat to crap vw thing ha, atlest it wont brake the bank
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