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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. if your afraid of your neighbors telling on you over a little gun then go get one from now on. make it quick and painless for the rodent not slow and painfull. how woudl you like it if i chopped off your leg and bashed you in the head. asshole
  2. idiot... thats why god made bb and pellet guns.
  3. One word ricer. Looks aweful. Besides the honda stripe it looks awesome
  4. whats a reverse middle finger... ?
  5. haha panzie people giving out negative rep. pussies are butthurt
  6. ok ill be the asshole fucking cyclists... should of pulled over and gotten off his road. PLOW THREW THROUGH THOSE FUCKERS disclaimer annoying video. annoying driver and dumb ass cyclsits
  7. havent you ever heard of the bunny mansion... :fuckyeah:
  8. My favorite vodka has to be belvedere(sp) or kettle one. Will have to try level I know u said hard to find but any idea where I could find it? Really or are you joking? I always see it but figure it was just another cheap bottom shelf vodka. If it is of some value ill try it.... just not sure if your trolling I can't find it. Been to 3 liquor stores dang it.
  9. not drinking beer but trying to random vodka from the liquor store. trying hanger 1 vodka . meh not bad for under 20$
  10. fffffuuuuuuu, if it aint got 4 doors takes u p two parking spots and rolllllling coal pass
  11. SRTurbo04

    Hey Guys

    Well columbus racing is hosting a private track rental at national trails next Friday the 28th. Cheap to enter and you can get unlimited passes down the track ( I used to do 70 yes seventy passes) a day and its cheap. See how slow that pig is. Info can be seen in the cr track day section once u get repped in Ps don't mind jones he's short and slow
  12. Mine does the same thing . Its annoying as crap
  13. I don't sell them nor do I know where good deals are but I always hear that if u get a change of address packet from the post office it has 10 or 15% off coupons for lowes. Just a thought. Check out appliance smart off main street in reynoldsburg. Its one of those dent/ scratch places that'll be cheaper
  14. even that can be stolen.. really only way to protect it is this.. even then though they can STILL get it if they want it http://www.edmolift.com/pageFiles/case-studies/single-scissors/TF-3000-underground-parking-lift/TF-3000-underground-parking-lift-4.jpg
  15. your axels should be better... :gabe: hope the new ones go well
  16. i swear google is trolling me when i spell check crap
  17. i drive it it breaks is a ford tech if i recall might be able to help you.
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