Discover is currently hiring in our customer interaction department for entry level PART TIME reps.
Seeking energetic career oriented individuals with a great customer service attitude and engaging phone personality. This is entry level part time working 20-29 hours per week. Classes will begin march 26 with a 2 week paid training course Monday through Friday 9am to 3 for the training.
Once training is done hours will be 9am to 2pm Monday through Friday and will include rotational Saturday commitment of 9am to 2pm.
since its part time pay is 9.50$
This is a call center you will be in a cube
Please DO NOT waste my time by helping you out... last group of hiring I helped people on cr they didn't show up for interviews one didn't show up for the job all together (asshole)
pm me with questions on how to apply.
******** also they just added in sone full time shifts for mid shift. Idk the times but probably like 3 to 10 or something of the sort. For FULLTIME customer service. Just likethe last thread I had for discover. I'm to lazy to post that info if u want to look at the other thread its there. Pm me for how to apply. full time i s 10-15$ an hour********