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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. No just no, the little parts will nickle and dime you to the point where u have more in a boat tto rebuild bthen you would if u just bought a cheap running boat Runnnn away.
  2. Took me like8 months to get me a check for 2 wheels two tires a wheel bearing and some other parts that it jacked me up on
  3. Nice, looks relaxing! Could of sworn I seen that on craigslist is it fs?
  4. i welcome the haters i dont see what was so wrong with my post. Shoot if anything i should get a high five for helping them out :fuckyeah:
  5. Ugh I'm just here for the gang bang
  6. Holy crap you sound annoying. Why don't you spend less time making useless post on cr and spend more time making your shop safer so you don't get ripped off again....
  7. Make a OFFER i have no need for this any more sadly
  8. doc why do you always have to show every one else up... ughhh haha
  9. congrats gabe...put in the work buddy. Im always down to be put to work for a ice cold Coke Cola, Im off at 3 each day and dont mind helping out if you need.Let me know man. and really congrats dude thats awesome, must be a nice feeling buying your first home.
  10. 350 bucks really? the ohio msf course is what 25 bucks and they ALSO provide you with a bike... sucksssss... worth it to take the ohio msf course..fills up quick so if you cant get a day you want just show up as a walk on, a ton of people dont show. my mom and brother did this at the first and second session few years back
  11. bump only open for a few more days then hiring closes
  12. ***** FULL TIME POSITION STARTS 04/16 ********* send me your first last name and email asap. Applications will close in a few days! *******PART TIME POSITIONS ********* still availble as well
  13. yeaaa find some good ones cause ughhh these games are from like windows 95...
  14. i know..dam you for making me spend more time then i do now on cr
  15. Can we atleast get a heads up when your taking Cr down so i can plan my day around it? i set aside some time to get on cr and BAM its down... :fuuuu:
  16. hmm keeps saying error what the french toast
  17. once u get tapatalk can u just take it off if you dont like it?
  18. x2 asked that but all i got was is its 3 $...
  19. storage isant very expensive. alum creeks 510 for the year(full 12 months) thats like 40 bucks a month not to expensive. then you have to factory in insurance a month( i pay 13 monthly for my skis) and then gas in a 4cyl boat i used about 80 bucks a day flying across the lake all day but idk im awesome. my ski takes like 50 for a full day towing a tube and wakeboarders. think of it this way you use more in gas in a car going say out in the country for a drive threw the curves.
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