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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Holy crapola I've gotta spend some time on those sites Totally forgot about the game stores at polaris!
  2. For you peolple that play card or board games what do you guys play? Like with other couples? Also best place to find some games to play..? Target? Wallmart?
  3. I work till 3pm free after that on most days. How long u gonna be in town?
  4. when you coming back into town fool i want my chipotle! haha
  5. problem is he has 5 german cars...hes hard to be biased
  6. i got you beat bought a nascar experience thinge for my brother for hsi birthday so like 70% off... ordered it got it and when my brotehr went to go they nascar peoplesaid it wasent valid..turns out groupon sold too many and half were not working and didnt tell us... groupon didnt honor the deal and got us our money back...6 weeks AFTER there screw up...yeaaaa sucked
  7. ahh that sucks i was told other wise well let me edit my posts. and the full time though if between 10-15 for sure
  8. god dam das borgin is not funny...
  9. nope perfectly content driving my boring car down the road :fuckyeah: that i am sir that i am. well also my motorcycle... :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  10. Yup my grammer and spelling sucks nothing new
  11. I get off at 3 so. I probably won't ever see you in passing. Welcome you will enjoy it. Its easy
  12. Not cause he's a man...just seen you drive before...
  13. Nope, could care less. No sense inwasting timeand gas in a big 4 door.
  14. not to be a dick but did i hooked a crap ton of people up and i deleted my emails but did i take down your email and send you the link or just tell you to go to the discover site lol? eathier way man congrats on getting hired whats your shift? hell yea the more dumb people off of cr i get hired the smarter i look there
  15. Ce.Also some full time customer service positions available for customer servi
  16. Your in a cubicle farm sooo not much difference but a lot nicer people here great incentive and very easy to work for them
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