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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Going with esurance will save me aroun $600 every 6 months. Nobody I have spoken with can come within $550 of that price. Any reason I shouldnt go with them. Also the coverages are the same as what I have now.


    no issues with my family on it. even with my sister having hit some one. rates didnt hike and no issues getting them to pay for her fault .

  2. Yup, I just had this happen about two months ago with 5/3 via Master Card. From what I could pry out of them, it was a batch of cards that were stolen i.e. from a merchant website. They said 5/3 was contacted by Master Card. In my case, there was no actual fraudulent activity on the card. This sounds like the same thing.


    Pissed me right the fuck off because they couldn't get my card to me any quicker than 5-7 business days via USPS. I too had auto-pay bills coming out of that account and had bills come due during that period. :fuuuu:


    Then I had an actual fraudulent hit on my Discover card, literally on my way to the airport to fly out on a business trip. I found out when my card was declined for baggage and then food, so I called them. It would have sucked not having my credit card. Discover tried to find the address of where I was staying while I booted my laptop up to find it (they said they had very limited access to the web). Once we found the address they overnighted my card to me via UPS, I was flying on Saturday and my card got to me on Monday. That's good customer service, making a bad situation as good as possible. If they would have given me the 5-7 business day line my card would not have gotten to me on my 6 day trip.


    Why do banks suck so much?


    yea discover will overnight ur card preety much anywhere inthe world ... for FREE, nice feature to have.




    oh and also wheni worked at chase i never had chase accounts...it goes with out saying dont shit where u eat

  3. I am looking for a good doctors office to use as my home doctor, around the gahanna/new albany area...or willing to go farther for a good doctor. i have had extreme back pain for the last 10 years with no doctor to care or to help out..just sent me to therapy and thats it never helped me figure out anything so im looking for a good straight forward doctor to help me out for my home doctor.





    let me know

  4. Call a lawyer either way...




    he sped he knew the speed limit he took the risk he shoudl pay the fine.


    i always hate these threads rawwwrrrr this cop gave me a ticket for speeding.. (were you speeding...well yes durrrrr) take responsibility of your actions.



    kenny ur not being a whiner about it so your good in my book but your still gay :fuckyeah:

  5. per forum rules you must put a asking price


    This is the section to privately sell automotive related parts.




    All items for sale MUST include an asking price.

    No more "make me an offer", "what's it worth", etc. If you don't have an idea of what to ask as a starting price, check Ebay for comparable items, ask around, or just guess and add "obo" to the asking price.

    NO DIBS. See bottom of this post for details.


  6. Its the 3rd vehicle, not necessarily the teen driver. With 3 cars, it automatically lists him as a primary driver. 3 drivers 3 cars. Even if I had just a car I kept in the garage and never drove it would still screw me.


    we had esurance with 4 drivers 6 cars 2 bikes and it was 250 a month.


    thousands cheaper then other companies. my sister hit some one else and they were very easy to deal with and took care of everything.


    only down fall to them is if you have a full coverage car(my accord )that has to have high amounts of coverage 100,000/300,000/75,000 it raises the rates as full coverage for ALLL THE CARS...so out insurance ski rocketed with this so we took the car off.



    also few years back we took my 91 ranger off and the insurance went UP 600$ a year. (i guess my sister was being rated on that vehicle) so when we got the s10 it went down like 550 a year lol. makes no sense at all but hey it works




    i just recently left to nationwide for my accord as its 74 $ a month for bomb loaded up insurance.



    cliffs esurance isannt hard to deal with. very easy actually and you can understand them, as there here in the states. you can do the web or call there phone number directly

  7. Paul can't even spell his own name and Howard likes to rape his cats, both good choices for mods.

    spell checked and all :fuckyeah:


    First and foremost i would like to thank Anthony and Tina for the most amazing chance to make a difference, second i would like to thank my self for being ...well awesome.



    fear all Cr as Paul is here :D





    In all seriousness hi cr.....

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