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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. LOL, like you weren't upside down going from a beat SRT to an Accord. I know its dumb, but I don't really like my truck and its not like I ever need it for "truck stuff". I've only used it to haul the Camaro twice in a year and a half and it sucks at it.


    not sure what my dealings have to do with anything


    but you asked opinions on YOUR shit.



    :jerkit: and it was the smartest decesion to get rid of the srt

  2. I heart Paul. What phone are you getting her?
    samsung stratosphere? its her first smartphone and im sure she will break the dam thing so not gonna drop coin for somethin shes gonna use for facebook and look at wedding crap :lol:


    It is cheaper because they don't have people to give you customer support, No customer support = Paul on CR bitching
    correct..hence why i said i cant buy it online....not sure where your getting the instore shit.



    keep trolling somewhere else..

  3. Go to a REAL verizion store, not a retailer. the retailer makes $ from selling you shit.

    cheaper online

    Ummmm.. the data isnt added until the phones activated dumb dumb

    really...u sure homeboy?


    hook me up with a mr awesome discount of a phone :D?

  4. you do realize that this is December and you will have to pay the same amount for the data plan now or if you waited till the 25th


    true but verizions dumb 30$ data plan i dont want to buy now for nothing cause she wont get thi untilll like the 27th. so why pass a months worth of a data plan for nothing



    if they would just let me SPEND SOME MONEY on there shitty products ide be happy

  5. so im trying to be slyyyy and buy my fiance a new phone for xmas and shes due for an upgrade so i got into her account and tried to order her a new phone that shes been looking at but the dumb verizion wont let me buy it unless i buy there data plan(which im doing once she gets it for xmas)



    :mad: all i want to do is SPEND MONEY at your DUMB ASS company...



    soooo glad i dont have these tards

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