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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. That's right around the corner from my house, i might have to stop by, is there a band or anything playing? (can't get the the fb page at work)


    i keep forgetting your like two blocks away from me... awesome...






    sam im right here in gahanna/new albany ill try to get my permission slip signed and come on out

  2. I don't get it. Why did you sell the G2?




    Same, my mom has been with T-Mobile since they were called VoiceStream. She has such a good deal on our family plan that I'm staying on it as long as possible

    i still have my g2. i had a spare g2 that i bought for the fiance but she refuses to leave verizion so i sold it.




    fun fact she went to look at smartphones (she doesnt have one yet) and talked about what her bill would be ..they said 127 a month...for ONE LINE....... thats 50 bucks MORE a month that my tmobile...... dumb... haha

  3. You have to get the European one and then use it on Tmobile. HTC Sensation 4g should be pretty similar to my Thunderbolt. Rooted and ROM'd its a pretty good phone.






    also just checked out veizion..not sure if im dumb but i did two phones with data and 700minuites and it would cost 200$ at verizion.... PASSSSSS

  4. If your girl/mom has verizon see how much it is to switch to the family plan. We have 5 phones and were at $150 a month. Given we dont have any smart phones but even then it would be cheaper with the family plan. Or check into the unlimited data text blah blah blah plans I keep seeing advertised for $35 a month from other providers.


    .. my fiance has verizion and pays out the ass (more then my plan) and she doesnt even have the data plan. so not sure it would be good to switch lol





    and nexus prime i donnt see that on tmobiles site... hmm?



    any one have any experience with the htc sensation 4g?

  5. FYI Android encrypted pptp vpn does not work. It's a bug that Google has not fixed.


    Get a different carrier and get an iPhone




    and not really interested in changing carriers unless i can find a plan with someone else for what i pay at tmobile ( 71 for nights weekedns unlimited text, data yada yada)

  6. have fun in salem my best friends from there and ive been up a few times...its fun for all of two seconds....

    the mall is kinda cool though :lol:


    btw you will learn to hate all the one way dam streets :mad:

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