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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Have a friend that totaled her car and didn't have gap on her insurance so she can't get approved for a loan so she needs a 500$ beater. She's having to walk a half hour to the bus stop to even start the process to get to work right now so need asap if possible. Let me know what u have. Please something that runs and will get her from point a to point b
  2. Have you asked your mom how much she can afford to spend? How many people are you expecting keeping in mind that those involved may also bring spouses?


    Anyone have any experience with any good country clubs or resturants that can host say a wedding arty of like 30-35? Trying to get the rehersal dinner for the wedding booked but not having a ton of luck.



    My moms working ona. Budget so that's a big factor. Party size for 30-35 people...what would I be expecting rufly for price and is there any recomendations???




    Fffffuuuuuu weddding plannninggg



    Is it too far out of reality to do this for under or around 3k?


  3. Its just a dinner, have it anywhere that has comfortable seating for your size group and wont make the brides family feel like your family are losers. In other words chucky cheese is out of the question.


    That's the problem I'm running into. Her whole side of the family is well off.. bunch of doctors ceos ectect...whilee my side well were common folk lol and my mom can't afford the wedding that they are supplying us (don't get me wrong I'm not complaining ) but its hard to plan this rehersal dinner cause it won't be very "upscale" cause we don't have an open checkbook....




  4. My girlfriend’s brother had their rehearsal dinner at Brio on Polaris. If I remember correctly, there were about 80 people and the bill ran about $3-5k. The food was great; included hors d'oeuvres, 2-3 choices on dinner and dessert. The drinks were the killer as everyone that attended drank mostly top shelf...


    Maybe check out Scioto Reserve? They have a nice banquet facility and for a party of that size I can't imagine the price would be too terrible.


    ill give brio a call. All things seem to lead back to there



    Ffffuuckkk rehersal dinners gabe I'm with you what's the point??

  5. 614-228-0645


    ask for erica

    Thank you. Your information was so extensive I am overwhelmed ....



    Will check this out. Thanks

    you could do new Albany links. My g/f works there as a bartender for events.


    but if you are wanting to rent out a country club its going to cost you some coin.


    It's 20k minimum for new Albany links.


    for NACC i believe its 35k-40K

    Yea fuck that nonesense



    Is it too far out of reality to do this for under 3k?


    The problem I'm running into is her parents are verrrrry well off...while my mom is a common folk who doesn't have a ton of money to just drop on a 5k dinner .... soo I'm trying to find someplaces that I can find for a decent price hell I don't see the point in doing anything fancy isant that what the weddings for?



    Maybe I just need to look at like party rooms for resturants...does brio or something or the sort have something like this?

  6. Anyone have any experience with any good country clubs or resturants that can host say a wedding arty of like 30-35? Trying to get the rehersal dinner for the wedding booked but not having a ton of luck.



    My moms working ona. Budget so that's a big factor. Party size for 30-35 people...what would I be expecting rufly for price and is there any recomendations???




    Fffffuuuuuu weddding plannninggg

  7. Guys.. Shopping for your woman is a tricky situation.


    I HIGHLY suggest Etsy.com


    Etsy, Etsy Etsy.


    First off she'll be pleased you bought something "handmade", second supporting small business, third, its something unique.


    I hightly suggest figuring out her favorite color and using thier color picker to help shop.




    If she likes jewelry, and you need her ring size, find a ring she wont miss and take it to be sized.. its free.


    IMHO, gift cards are for your friends, great aunt patty and your boss.

    put some effort into your signifigatn other, mom or sister..


    jewelry on Etsy from local vendors (columbus)


    yea defentally not on the giftcards too friendish. ha. the safe bet might just be some nice diamond earings.... dam my wallet is going to feel lighter....


    Is there something fancy that she has been saying she wanted for you wedding but it was too much/ too hard to get? if so make that happen


    sadly no...we put up our wedding registry just last week and someone already bought our 600$ vacuum :lol: so shes knows shes getting something good already haha


    Wheels for the accord :gabe:

    mine or hers? :D


    I've been kicking around ideas myself. Think about what you know about her and look for something she would enjoy. When it comes to christmas gifts I like to get people something they would enjoy, not necessarily something practical.


    For Carol I am thinking right now about a windshield for her motorcycle which I know she wants, but can't afford. My other option would be a small carry size pistol. She enjoys shooting, but has never owned her own pistol. Not much help for you though because we're talking about two different women.


    One idea I always liked was when my father had a large gift for my mother wrapped very fancy. When she opened it there were half a dozen smaller boxes all wrapped the same as the big box. I don't think any of the gifts were very expensive, but the presentation was memorable.


    the pistol is a good idea she enjoyed shooting my 40cal but it was too heavy and too much kick so im going to get her one but im going to wait till the spring and have her try out a few guns to her liking.



    hmm got her some wine tools stuff and some odds and ends and going to go buy some diamond crap :no:

  8. So I have my 600 dollar dodge truck 4x4. I took a gamble on it for a beater truck/use it to move back to texas with and I came out a little behind. The motor burns oil which I thought was just a plenum gasket but turns out it has low compression on cylinder 8 too (70 PSI) So I am wondering what would ya'll do, find a good junkyard motor in throw in there and call it good. Or pull the current motor, check out out and do a re ring or a full rebuild? My theory behind this is I have 600 into it, if I have to put a grand into a new motor I am still coming out ahead as if I bought a slightly nicer 4000 dollar truck.


    does it still drive right even though it burns oil? how much oil does it burn?



    hell my old ranger used to go threw a quart or two a week... go to sams club get 24 qts of cheap oil for liek 15 bucks and your good for a long time :lol: thats what i did. its a beater who gives a crap.

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