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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. agreed.


    How about adding a drinking game to the sled event?


    probably not....the place we usually go is ok because no ones doing DUMB(i am aware what were doing is dumb but u know what i mean) shit..so if u want to do that crap please stay away from everyone and out of our sweet spot so we dont lose it...

  2. No freaking way. Way too much entertainment to ban him over.


    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=76061 ** Need logged in and have to join Raw and Uncensored group.


    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=77180 ** Need logged in and have to join Raw and Uncensored group.


    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=80227 (post 16...)


    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=76695 ** Need logged in and have to join Raw and Uncensored group.








    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75990 (says he's 19, goes along with the age arguing)

    how does one get into the raw place..and where is it ...i fail

  3. Well I'm trying to save money and save me from getting a gut back.


    5 day work week what do you pack for your lunch at work or school?


    I've been good with brining an apple a sandwich (white..ham or turkey) and some chips or something. Buttttt after a week I'm so burnt out on sandwiches lol


    What do you all do for lunchs?? Recomendations for say a 30$ budget for a 5 day work week

  4. The only one that is shitty is the first one and its because it was sent in a text....and im truly sorry you were forced to watch my awefull videos.


    dont get me wrong i still enjoyed them.. the quality(even the otehr two) just sucks.


    for as much videos,,,


    meh maybe thats just me bitching ahh well

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