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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Wow, this is one of those CR threads that we'd all be better off without. I've met just about everyone in this thread, and guess what, you are all being worthless fucks right now.


    Aaron, dude really? Is it that big of a deal?


    John, yeah it seems like you could've waited for Aaron he was making an effort, but someone showed up with the money. I'm not sure what I'd have done in your shoes honestly.


    Paul, shut the fuck up, this doesn't really concern you


    Phil, you can shut the fuck up too, you sounded just like Aaron when Just2Sweet bought that red Camaro, we all know you take forever with shit and was trying to get a loan, and then you cried about it when it was gone.


    The rest of you are just being trolls, carry on.

    your old stfu

  2. Paul you douche. I was making passes when you were still in middlesschool you slow fuck. Dont you ever try to match your year of slow passes to my 20 years of racing you tool.


    please if your that old then you really are worthless owning a ltfail

  3. Well shit miracles do happen I guess. WOOO FUCKING HOOOO!!!!

    Oh everything runs FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fuck Your Junk :)


    shit my "junk" has made more passes an won more races then in one season then your car will ever do... FACT.



    call me when your broke dick lt1 makes a 1000( ...yes a thousand) passes being driven to and from the track..and then going out an street racing for 6 hours...

  4. I didnt waste anyones time. He had a Dr. appt. And I told him that I forgot them way before his appt.

    Your shit doesnt even run you tardo fuck. Go push your piece of shit in to the lake that all your broken down ass watercraft are sitting in.


    And I dont have any broke down slow ass neon parts to sell you anyways.


    aww thats cuteeee ...odd thing is i drove the srt today hmm.... so you fail.


    my watercrafts awwww they both run. an they run goood ... fail #2...




    All in all you fail. please try again

    • Confused 1
  5. I was losing money anyways so why would I loose any more by driving them there. i was doing a favor by selling them so cheap to begin with.


    idk integrity...? since u wasted some ones time you shold of made up for it. meh after seeing how you do stuff i sure as hell wont be buyin anything from you.





    also go run your piece of shit lt1 off a bridge

  6. Omfg the clubs are sold, get over it. Jesus Christ bitch about somethig less important like you and chris figuring out whose car is slower and whose dick is smaller.


    ive got the smallest of anyone in this thread. true story

  7. OK I am here. I have been busy texting some dude that was bitching about buying my clubs and I just seen this.


    So Here is the deal. Nothing Shady here. I have had 10 people say they wanted to buy theses clubs and nobody has came through. This was first come first serve as I held off other buyers based off of people telling me that they will show up on certain days and never end up showing up. I did forget to throw them in my truck the other day which is my fault. I told Aaron yesterday that I put them in my truck and to let me know when he wanted to come get them. I never heard back from him until today around 4:30ish PM, telling me that he was on his way.. They were sold in that window. And I saved him a wasted trip by texting him back to let them know that they were sold and that I never heard back from him. I guess if he wanted them that badly, then he would have at least responded and asked me not to sell them and that he would be there to pick them up at such and such a time. If I get no response, then they are gone. Plain and simple. Nothing shady here, not trying to be a dick. Just saying that when I want to buy something, then I usually respond to people ASAP and ask them to hold said item until I can get there.


    well since YOU WERE THE TOOL WHO FORGOT THEM, you should of gave the man the decency to get them from you. hell since u fucked up an wasted HIS time you shodl of drove the clubs to him since you WASTED his time when YOU FORGOT them...just saying

  8. Hate to be a dick, but it is first come first serve. To many people flake out, and if the asking amount is met then there is no issue with selling it. I've done and it's been done to me. Deal with it and keep looking for deals. Stop botching on Cr about you big pussy


    i agree first come first serve.... unless... it sounds as if they had agreements for vwdouch to pick up the clubs and lt1 fag FORGOT the clubs..so that was lt1 homos fault. they arranged another time since lt1queer made the mistake and forgot them.


    now had vwflamer missed the time then yes sell them bitches but since lt1fruit screewed up he should of had the decency to meet with the arangement.



    all in all lt1 faggot is just that a worless member. this ends my jumble of a post






    edit also the lt1butt fluffer has been on ctr since this thread has started and i know hes seen it adn wont even post... what a bitch

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