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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Chili Magic is only sold at Meijer stores. Google it and Meijers are the only ones who carry it.


    Errrr your wrong. Just picked upsome beans and wallmart sells chili magic.


    Fiances at home making chili but sheforgot beans who does that. Mmm slow cooking the chili in the crock pot. Super excited for whn I get home

  2. I am looking to buy a generator for the track this week. Anybody on here sell them or know somebody who sells them.


    I have looked so far at JD Power equipment, Home Depot, Lowes and Sears.


    Any help would be great.


    Need more info to give good recommendations. Any good rep will ask you:

    - What are your loads? Lights? Computers? HVAC stuff?

    - How sensitive are your loads? Using the above choices, computers are a lot more picky about clean power than a bunch of ballast-buffered metal halide parking lot lights. HVAC gear sucks massive inrush when a compressor starts up.

    - What fuels are available/desired? Propane and gasoline are easy to come by, but not the greatest if you need lots of power. Diesel can be a pain to work with, but is the best at driving really heavy loads.

    - Is this to be a temporary or permanent installation? If it's just an evening gig every couple months, you might just want to rent something. If it's an ongoing concern, then a permanent installation with proper transfer switches is preferable.

    - Single phase or three phase?


    Food for thought ;)


    going to go on a limb and say doubtfull on the computers . probably for a trailer...maybe for compressor, lights...maybe a blender :D

  3. On a serious note pull up your man pants fix that piece of shit neon turn your boost all the way up. That way when I smash your dick in the dirt you have no excuses


    My car only weighs 500 pounds less than yours. makes less than half the horse power


    Why are you so scared to put this thing back together and race me


    I don't wanna hear this bullshit of I beat that car already. Congratulations pussy cakes it had been together less than a month on a un tuned carb


    i already told you the car is retired...i already put the nail in the coffen an owned that rusted pile of shitttttt


    your more then welcome to run my 230k 4cyl s10 im sure thats more your speed anyhow

  4. I love that turd. Lack of weight, and the gearing is near perfect. Not a lot of top end but getting to 120 is a blast.


    really? well you drove a dsm so i guess that makes sense. :D


    but that cars a turd.




    inb4 ahhh rawrrr im a big troll bring you the srt rawr rawr rawr. my response ahead of time is i already trolled the fuck out of that car .\



    carry on

  5. Damn thing happend to me in my STi. Got rearended and then told the prosecutor that I want the guy to pay my deductable. He had 60-100 pulled out of his work check once a week until it was paid. He was recently released from prison and his PO would call me to make sure he was paying for it. Worked out alright in the end, but still a pain in the ass.


    Oh I never hired a lawyer or anything. Represented myself :fuckyeah:



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