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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Franklin County Auditor's page - it is public record.


    Looks like Delaware county will be doing theirs next month.


    hmm looks like im an idiot and cant figure out the values any onie got a second to give a help out lol preserve crossing at lifestyle condos street is marsh wren

  2. pauls neon is faster than a b18 on 10lbs ah

    lol i remeber that night. good times

    Jeffo 10lbs on a beat down LS is not fast you're right. Who said I was going to only be on 10lbs come sunday? Phil i'll give you the hit/brake whatever lol. Its just a brokedick 4dr Integra, I mean cmon how fast could it be on the highway? BTW Patterson remember to keep your foot on it the whole time ;)

    roll racing is for faggots just saying...

  3. :yuno: No, I'm busting your chops about the thread already existing. No comment on your food until you come over and make me a sammich after you wash the MS3 for me. :gabe:


    Deal. Hell its the least I can do after i drag ut ms3 all accross columbus

  4. A nice ribeye medium rare with bullseye bbq( a nice sweet sauce) a pinch of crushed peppers cooked so good u can cut it with a fort..yummm coiuntry chicken rice.. some maple and brown suger baked beans. Some french bead with I can't belive its not butter. annd a sprite mmmm
  5. I can not renue my tags if im a california resident. Thats what I mean putting it in someones name in ohio? and just pay them to keep up with my tags ect..... the next question is it legal to do this?


    i dont see why not.. no different then you "borrowing" a car from a friend




    kids go to college out of state for years and there still registered to there home state

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