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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. And you physically have access to that car right now? Because I do.


    my brothers uncles nightbors sisters cousin has a fast car i can get to


    :jerkit: you drive a pos lt1 race what YOU got...i guess youll be stuck running 14s just saying




  2. You point me in the direction of something in that price range that would be as fun as a Camaro or as fast or not just some shit and I'm all for it. .




    He is down to $450 on on the rolling chassis if I read correctly.. get ur self a junk yard. Truck moto/trannyr that u always talk about getting cheap and a mounting kit for a ls1 an walal dam good track car...


    Edit check page 3 of that thread for the updated prices

  3. Anyone have access to some firewood for my pit out back? I'm not too picky and would prefer free if possible. Need about as much as I can stuff into the back of my Regal. So not that much.


    if u want more i know thees and old guy near easton that will fill a truck load(6 1/2 foot bed to the roof last all winter and then some) for liek 60$


    i know its not free but figure ide throw that out there.



    also buck if u dont want to get ur regal dirty u can come grab my s10 (in gahanna )

  4. umm see thread...http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94951

    see post...

    I've went from 245 to 216 and i can't seem to get rid of these fucking love handles. Suggestions? :fa:


    i think i see your problem fat asss

  5. The slow car will break you off rite now. Your the new old Paul, just talk reckless about racing non stop. Except the old Paul would actually race. Rip old Paul :nono:

    :lol: if it makes u feel any better i raced my bike yesterday it was nice.

  6. go get it and fix yourself...


    some things it pays to buy new.


    i dont have the extra time to fix it plus it takes a special tool u have to buy from the dealer to fix it.

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