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Posts posted by SRTurbo04


    Hell I'd probably just leave it hooked up that way permanently. Would be good for the Jehovah Witness's and in-laws too.


    Our township has a no solicitation ordinanace of any sorts, so those people and the like get pushed out of our development real quick.


    turn off all of your house lights, get a shotgun but make sure its not loaded and dont even have shells anywhere close to you. dress in all black and just sit next to your porch hiding waiting, as soon as they approach cock the shotgun and start screaming jibberish at them. you'll then be labelled as that crazy old guy and no one will mess with you


    Greg you scare me.





    To be clear, I don't want to cause any physical harm to them by me. I do want to catch the bastards, get there picture and address and have a talk with there parents about the constant harassment.

  2. Quit fucking crying you did this stuff growing up, Kenneth.


    Oh just EAD


    Harbor freight motion sensor. Wireless and rings a doorbell inside when someone crosses it. You could put it at the entry way going up to your door. Gives you a few more seconds to get there.


    Other option is a camera or deer trail cam hidden somewhere.


    I like the idea of the game camera, easy to place and not permanent.


    You should move to the country.


    I wish, I just moved up here last year, not moving again.


    Tape a thumb tack to the button for the door bell. Bet they won't be happy about that.




    Utilize trip wire and:




    Sweet jesus!

  3. Install an on / off switch for your doorbell. You obviously don't want to "catch" them.



    Why dont i want to catch them?


    Maybe install a light with a sensor on it by the door. Might be enough to scare them away. Maybe even install a camera to see who it is and then find the parents?


    The front of my house is lit up like the 4th of july with my outdoor house lights. Thats the thing, bold fuckers coming up when its that lit up lol.


    You could get one of those video door bells. It'll be an investment in your home, as well as give you the ability to record, and then see who's doing it. Then you just take the video to the kids and blackmail them to mow your lawn or you'll show their parents. Win/win.


    Never heard of these, will have to check them out.

  4. Disclaimer, I am not a old grumpy asshole.


    About once a week for the last month or so between 830pm-10pm, and a few times after 1am some punk kids things its funny to run up ring my door bell ten times then run. This has been going on for more then a month but has been random.


    Some might see this as harmless but its happened so much that it wakes my 2 year old up(any parent can see why thats a issue) and the times its been 1am it scares the wife cause why the fuck rings a door bell at 1am?


    My first recourse was to try to catch them after the door bell rings, but my fat ass doesn't get off the couch as quick as i used to :lol:


    Spare me the "there probably just kids" I am sorry but you don't do that crap in this day any more. You especially dont do it at 1am, your just asking to get shot.


    What do i do here short of getting security cameras to try to catch them? Callthe police? What would you do?

  5. Every multi floor building has an Elevator....





    Yes but how many of those are broken or needs service daily?



    This industry really has its ups and downs.


    :lol: dam you.









    Can you come fix out elevators at Aetna, these things seem to be broken weekly :fuuuu:

  6. I've Ben meaning to make a project thread, just been too busy building the damn thing. The car had it's first shakedown track event this weekend. Despite an issue with it cutting power in certain turns that'll be a bitch to track down and fix, it was good overall. Got about 150 hard track miles on it.

    Good to hear sir! That white looks great in person!




    ha...we need UPDATES!


    Don't think your out of this too. We need the updates on your car, and if you have found the replacement for the wifes car yet?

  7. Orange rd play ground and shelter house behind the pool (which is actually off 23). We did a party there, plenty to do, grilled some stuff, ate, kids had fun, cost zero (well besides food)


    This place has a awesome play ground for the kids. Has huge Normal kid play ground, and a smaller kid play ground (1.5-3 year old )

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