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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. coil pack? stator? come on dude it can't be that hard.


    After further looking into the stator is behind the flywheel on the front of the motor

    If uve ever worked on a jetski there is zero room to work on them sooooo its just worthit to me to atleastt get it diagnosed

  2. Well a biiiiig thanks to sam for spending his morning dealing with my retarded self. An helping with the ski.


    Couldn't figureout why it wasent getting spark so I'm sucking it up an paying for the fuckin bill for the stealership to diagnose an fix it :mad: sucks that after owning it for less then a few days an only able to use it for less than an hour I'm already having to dump money into it fml

  3. i love in the srs butthurt racers part its the people who will actually race.... just thought that was funny carry on



    A- for trolling attempt. I commend you, maybe you can join the brotherhood of trolls. I think for the time though you are caught in a type of limbo between "trolls" and "srs butthurt racers" See Figure A. below.


    As for your car, congrats. You've unlocked the secret of how to go fast in an Fbody. It only took years of being a GM tech and memorizing cam charts on LS1tech. Way to go bud. :dumb:






    Figure A:



  4. You can change your plan at any time. If she is on a plan that doesn't fit her they can change it, you just can't leave without paying the termination fee. The only restrictions are if you have a phone that requires data. Some phones that "require" data when they are sold can have the data package removed if you call customer care.


    I don't know where u read that I was trying to leave with out paying a fee.. I know there's an early termination fee I was asking for a ruff estimate on how much it would be for a 14 month early.


    An hell no on changing her plan to some other shit expensive plan on verizion....

  5. What about assbackwards? Leavig verizion contact isant up till augest 2012 anyone know how much to terminate ?


    The fiances plan is stupid high cause they coned her an I'm going to add her to my plan at tmobile

  6. Did you get it running yet?


    :mad: no not yet.. let it charge all night an went to mess with it this mornign an all it will do is crank it doesnt even sound like its trying to catch at all... an the battery died again from trying to crank.


    going to go buy plugs today anything else i should be looking out for?


    this is very disheartening since i just bought the thing ahhhhhhhh.

  7. Make sure your kill switch is on good.


    it is.


    like i said when i tried earlieer it coudl crank jsut wouldnt fire.


    went out to check on it the battery isant charged enough. i guess my chArgers super slow. will try tonight ill keep you updated

  8. Did you check the plugs? Does that ski run an oil and gas mix?


    yea its a premix. he said the gas was good an full


    an brand new plugs i beliv ehe said one trip or never been used..they were a little black an oily so i took them out blew them off an stuck them back in gonna go try to start it again here soon if theres enough juice in the battery by now

  9. So you have 2 skis now? Did you fix the other one?


    the other one is at the shop as we speak getting worked on. dropped it off last week so im hoping itll be done by the 4th of juyl weekend.


    btw once both are good an running me an your chicken ass are going on the lake

  10. Well some might remember last year when I bought my boat first time I took it out an i t broke down and I was stuck on the lake


    Well fast forward to a year later I buy bertos gp1200 waverunner an I'm going across the lakee(dam near the same spot too) an just cuts off.... I crank an crank an the bettery dies... so after an hour of chillen someone pulls me to the docks..


    Pull it out looks as if it ran out of gas or is very low....(hardto tell in the hull)


    So I put my battery jump pack on it an some more gas an all it does is crank an then my battery pack dies(was almost dead) I hopppppe I just ran out of gas.


    I'm waiting for my battery to charge an praying that it is good to go cause ughhh I've owned this ski less than 24 hours ... fml


    But it was fast an fun for the 30 minuites I got to enjoy

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