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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. at least you seem to be in good spirits.


    Life is too short these days to not be. No sense in dwindling on a shitty suitation when there's nothin u can do about it.


    Sooooo therefore ill be in columbus in three hours and I plan on laying the smack down in columbus shortly

  2. Technically, you're not a soldier until you pass basic. Even if you're hurt, you get recycled, and wait around til the Army deems it necessary for you to leave or let you leave. I couldn't get out even if I tried. VA is trying to get me to claim the 40% they have for me on disability. Sorry to hear Paul, chalk it up as an experience.
    luckily I'm able to reenlist with a waiver when I'm better so might try again in ayear


    Glad you're coming back, but felt bad for you getting hurt and it not working out for you. So when you called me I wasn't sure what to say. I'll just be glad you're back, now we can get the Neon back in street fighter mode.


    :bangbang: I have decided that the srt will be coming out of retirement this season


    Columbus get sum!!!!!

  3. Sorry to hear that man, but chase will hire you back since your in the military. Hit me up captain, miss ur bull shit
    yea I know workin on that


    Like sinking your jet ski at alum again.:megusta:

    For sure. Going to be out in a few weeks pending on how I feel. The jetskis going to the shop Monday to get fixed :D



    What happened to the other guy?


    The Army paying all of your Medical Bills?


    The Army going to assist you in finding employment due to it's neglagence?



    the other guy got off clean cause they saw it as an accident meh


    They won't be paying my future medical bills. If I wanted to get benifits an pay for this injury I would have to go threw a process that would take over a year between physical therapy paperwork ect I opted to pass on that since I would be there for so long.


    I still have health insurance threw a provider from when I left chase last year so I'm covered.


    An they told me to file for unemplpyment or disability an they wouldn't protest it or somecrap idk been sucky last month or so fighting with them

  4. We had a couple guys who got hurt right off the bat.. (and one who pretended to get hurt). They all had to sit around all day every day while we were out training. Did you have to do that?


    Preety much... I did the non physical stuff though like brm (I missed granades those were this week) got to shoot the m240 and the 249 those were fun


    But overall yea a lot of sitting and watching fml

  5. Yes I am coming home. As some of you have heard I got hurt on may 8th about 2weeks after I started basic. I ended up tearing a tendon, two muscles an slipping a disc pretty bad, while on a team building course due to some negligence from another soldier. The injury was severe enough that the army decided that I wouldn't recover in a meaningful time an decided it would be best for me an the army to depart ways.


    Sucks but its one of those things that happen. Been in a lot of pain for the last six weeks but slowly recovering meh.


    The army doctors suck balls btw :lol:


    I fly in tonight so I'm sure ill be seeing you all soon.

  6. How are you still online???





    Cause I'm G LIKE THAT....


    Also cause I'm in reception aka processing an there's so many recruits its taking a bit to get all the stuff done so I'm chillen at fort sill.... Basic starts in 2 days I guess



    Matt get online dammit an tell me what u got haha

  7. fuck your life? really? really?


    If you think that is bad you're in for a rude awakening. Wait until you're out in the field working for 20 hours, get two hours of sleep because somebody lost a piece of sensitive equipment and you're all searching between blades of grass with lighters then you wake up to pull another 20 hours of training. It's going to be a shitty miserable 4+ years if you're already complaining.


    And your officialy going on ignore. All you are these days is negative. Quit trying to bust my decesion down becausse u didn't like it :finger:

  8. Thanks guys. Well my first day as a soldier started off sucky... seven hours at the airport just to have my flight get delay after delay and finaly ended up getting cancelled. Back to the hotel an meps in the am for a 630pm flight.. fml
  9. Farewell CR... as many of you know I leave for the army today(actually at the airport typing this) an will be at basic and ait at fort sill oklahoma until September...


    Just wanted to say thank you to all the people I've met over the years.. the good and the bad the ugly. I've met some really awesome people. And have enjoyed dragging half of cr around by a neon...


    Its been fun. See you guys around when I'm in town briefly or see you all in a few years when I'm out. Thanks again.



    Ps: this is my gift to you all I won't be posting on cr for like 4 months haha

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  10. so, am i the only one that is kinda disappointed in the job A2Z did? my car reeks of cigarette smoke from them and i can't roll my windows down to air it out :(


    there is also lots of little gaps where they missed covering the window. my husband is going to take it back when he gets a second.


    he also said it looks like they nicked my trim when they were slicing the film :(


    so now i have a question...who does tint where they remove panels and get all the windows done really well? i might have to get it redone in the future. if it's not perfect, it will bug the shit out of me. there's a spot in one of my front windows that i can see day light and it just drove me nuts on the day i drove it back home.



    give them a call to fix it they won't have any problem fixing it for you.


    Sucks u were the one who's didn't go well lol

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