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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I knwo exactly where you were at. I just ran into other people.


    I don't even know you but if I saw u show up to something like this I would leave because ur dumbass would probably pull some ricer shit or have u an 50 of ur ricer friends follow you.



    Leave ur broke pos at home an let the men play


    Godu annoy the hell out of me

  2. Damn, haven't seen Linn out all year, but I don't play on the water


    Jetski#1 will be done this week #2 hopefully in another week. Then u can go play on the water bud.... butttt there ain't no keepin up wit linn on mine haha

  3. See what I mean? Too busy for your old friend Scott.


    J/K have fun, thats something I've never gotten to do is go to a Nascar race.

    haha we got free tickets.. hr an her dad aredie hard nascar fans (yes they have all there teath)


    Fuck you.


    Miss you. Mean ur buddy talk about you all the time at work

  4. Fail, just straight fail. What kind of woman are you marrying?


    one that has an amazing job working at dscc that brings in the chedder an shes my suger momma soooooi leave her alone when she is trying to sleep o work nights :lol:

  5. White guys and diesel trucks are like black guys on donks.
    john has a 4500 chevy on the lot thats silver ahh gave me a boner just looking at it.... i litterally busted a nut when i drove ithttp://www.ebait.biz/ebait_images/cc0n71ne/2004-Chevrolet-C4500_521430-1.jpg


    potential on what it coudl loook like





    I was serious about having a guy looking for an SRT right now.


    Go for the 1.00 bet.


  6. I vote he trades for a "more responsible" stock, automatic vehicle.
    big diesel truck yup


    Paul's going g to trade it in to me. I'm going to give him $5k




    There are a few trucks i want on ur lot...the 4500 rings a bell :lol:

  7. WTF!?! I'm older then you with more responsibilities and I go out and have fun. I've hardly seen you since you've been back either, I'm not liking this new Paul.


    Bring back the SRT!


    Bring back the SRT!


    Bring back the SRT!


    Get it out pussy and we'll fuck up all of BPA!!

    Then pick up the phone sometime!


    I just haven't had any free time I spend all my free time looking for jobs or doiing my physical therapy on to fix my back.

    Forsure paul wtf??? Hell I've been through the whole thing. I'm going to grow up have kids get a house blah blah. The truth is with a good job still ='s fun. Bring out the SrT4

    Well as of right now I don't have a good job so my main focus is just that.



    Meh idk I just have no desire at the molment I'm sure once I get it running I will but I'm fighting the urge..I wannnnt to get the jetskis up an running so I can go out an race then an fuck up shantons ski :D

  8. 11/10/2012 NEVER FORGET

    Its actually the 17th now of november 2012. The venue we booked was good but the church wasent so we went a week later :lol:

    I got an idea, let's kipnap him, stick him in a fast srt4 and tell him if he doesn't win us $5000 we will tell his gf he is street racing and she will leave him. Resulting in a win win for us. We get out friend back or we split $5k

    Haha... why do you think I don't fix my car at all... I know ill race if its fixed an good... that's why I'm driving a 230) mile 4cyl s10 hahaha


    Paul!!!! Your becoming Craig!!!

    Hell no. Craig dissapeared. I still go out to places an talk to people.




    bbahahahahaha fucking sam an linn always used to call me phil bastards
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