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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. my girls mom is a stay at home mom an is a bigggg coupon person.. shes so crafty an clever she paid for my gfs sisters wedding dress(1300$) an liquor(2k) for the wedding all in rebates from coupons...



    we saved 75$ off a 120$ shopping trip last week... an it wasent crap stuff eatheir just every day shoppin trip.


    i never used to do it an probably wont do it but my girls starting to do it an dam we save a ton of money woo!

  2. What's the difference other than the name is changed? Rules? People make personal threats on here all the time. Most people will resort to that tactic when intellect fails them. Racial slurs get squashed pretty quickly as they should. The easily butt hurt simply shouldn't come in the Romper Room.


    And before its said/asked I do remember the kitchen. When I rejoined I was bummed it was missing, but looked in here and saw it was pretty much the same.


    no... the ktichen was awesome the romper room is jsut that a romp fest of gay talk. literally all i ever read anymore is just guys being gay an going to walk this or that annnnd nothing happens... or there shits weak just saying.


    cr hasent been the same in years

  3. How about something semi-professional seeing as you are a "sponsor". No, that wouldn't make sense. How about "I'm a worthless fuck who is so utterly useless and moronic that I can't even think up my own screen name"? That might be a little long, they might have to use shorthand for that. Instead of changing your username, follow my fool proof plan as listed below.


    1. Go to the change password section in User CP

    2. type a random sequence of letters and numbers into Word.

    3. Copy that sequence.

    4. Paste the sequence into the fields for new password.

    5. Delete the sequence from word and from the clipboard.

    6. Log out.

    7. Everyone profits.


    Hal for president.

  4. I just put it out there. I'd say around noon or whenever someone decides to work the grill. I know Paul did it last time. Someone said that it was because he had always dreamed of touching that many weiners......

    :finger: hahahaha

    Before we get too far into this we need to find out who's going to man the grill. Feeding 100 people isnt easy.


    not I... i did it last time

  5. the guy who used to work for quality is yusef an he will work with you on best time.. even stay super late. ive always been able to get mine in same day if not a few days


    yusef @ A 2 Z window tint 614.374.1065. groves rd and hamilton rd area thats where ive taken all my cars for years ... the tint on the srt has been on there for 3 and a half years now go there you WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED















  6. The details are overwhelming. But who cares what it is. We need more boats to tie up with on the lake. Honestly we only race prolly 20 mins out of the day of boating. It costs to much to race all day.


    :( dammit illmiss all the racing this season

  7. Pauls gf takes his hand in marriage before he gets his ass smoked by an instructor and kicked out of army boot camp




    Shanton hustles Steve Jackson for $2500USD.



    Pretty hard to get kicked out of basic training. Fort Leonardwood AKA Lost in the Woods is probably one of the toughest places for basic. He'll enjoy his new girlfriend though, the M16. :D
    good to know since I'm going to fort sill :D
  8. Cant have trailors in my housing development


    I did find that uhaul would be $80-100 to rent a trailor and a pick up truck for trails. Knowing that I would gladly give a CR member $50 for that. With the wood I'll just make multiple trips. Damn I miss my envoy!


    Ask the head hebrew... they don't drive the truck much anyways... and anthony always drives to trails just a thought.

  9. Rain or no rain I'm doing something tonight. Something awesome. Something totally extreme and in your face.




    Sexing some box !






    Sex box !








    xbox ... :(

    Black ops

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