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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I have never played there where is it exackly?


    Off of 256 in picktown..take it till u get into old pickerington then take the first left at the light go up the hill twords the watertower an its right there... google the course for the addy


    There are two in picktown... oneis a nine hole one is 18








    Brian if it took u three hours you suckkk haha I love that course

  2. Happy birthday to ya you old fart... what can i say about ya... one of the first times i met you in person i took a narly shit in your bathroom at your house... :lol:


    many found memories with you like playing fetch with you dog with a big black dildo.... :bangbang:


    or racing you on foot in a a parking lot at hooters an me getting hit in the face with a jordan an still winning the race an taking your money...



    all in all your a good dude hope you have a happy birthday i think your still in flordia ... sooo not to be racist but can black people get sun burns?


    brian as mr gq




    cultured stig






    the car t hat no one has ever seen... its like a unicorn...




    oh an just cause im paul here is a pic of me beating that unicorn...





    hope your birthdays going well old guy

  3. can the 1st bike be daily ridden? and is there a way to get the titles set up so it can be street ridden?
    fucking idiot.....
    Phil you realize these bikes are tiny right? Like mini bikes?
    ....he's not the smartest...

    Bump for fun bikes cant belive there not gone

  4. I will never forgot us Mother Fucking each other trying to get your ski to the dock. I still do this day have no idea why Sam should it would be a good idea to tie the rob to the hook on the back corner of my ski and not on the middle tow bar. I had ZERO steering. :gtfo:


    :lol: yea that day sucked..... thanks again though

  5. <----- Knows nothing about boating, anyone care to explain what drain plug does, when you need it in and out? I would venture to guess its to drain the boats water after you get out of the lake?


    That is correct. You get water in the bottom of the boat preety easily so its to drain the water out....


    Your boat goes sinky sinky if you don't put this plug in an run across the lake.... I made this mistake eight days after I bought my jetski :lol:

  6. Is it 4x4?


    i belive ALLL z71s were 4x4...

    and also if you actually click the link... there is a pic of the interior with the shifter for the 4x4 on the floor....... took me two seconds to find it








    op goodluck selling

  7. yea ive been having an amazing cycling season so far... an by cycling i mean motorcycling :lol:


    gtfo off the road before i run you fuckers down after you all hit one of my mirrors :finger:

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