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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Don't know about that rooster but I have a some home made mix bean soup cooking right now with a big old ham bone and some potatoes getting ready to add soon that might do the same thing to me.


    were you on 70 near pataskala/national trails the other day ?

  2. welcome to my weekend.

    should of responded back to me about dinner friday night instead of going an getting food poisoning :finger:

    You're telling me. It's 51 degrees here in Houston. I almost felt chilly for a second. :D


    this is where most would say mean hatefull things but ill go with "man thats cool put a sweater on an enjoy it"

  3. I just cannot hang my tv's on the wall. Absolutely, cannot bring myself to even consider it. Maybe, it's the being born and raised in earthquake country or something...


    i used to be the same way untill i saw how some of these are hung. there good.


    i like the low profile mount you have. such a clean look vs a tilting or swiveling one

  4. paul i thought you ride your bike in this weather?

    i do douche but when i ride in this weather im suited up an i look like im the michilin man :lol:

    lol I got five cigs left after those are out I am done its to cold for this shit


    enjoy your cancer



    edit: if your saying your done as in quitting then i take back that comment an good for you man!

  5. jeffrey took your advice an checked out dell an they told me on how to do this. booyah cleared everything to a clean slate. now just have to load stuff back on it.


    any one got any legit free virus protector thinge?

  6. When was the last time you took it apart and cleaned the processor cooling fan? If you don't periodically clean the fan it will become clogged with dust/debris causing the processor to overheat. The hotter the processor the slower your comp. will run.


    never done this but looked in there an all seems ok

  7. Instead of burning disks goto microcenter and buy a couple of 2-4gig thumb drives.


    I would honestly consider upgrading . for 450$ I built new pcs for IPS with Windows 7 pro and SSD's


    Was unemployeed for 3 months an just recently got a jerb so sparing an extra few hundred bucks isant in the careds at the molment.


    So I'm getting mixed opinions here can I or can I not do this without a disc because I don't think I ever had one?


    Also reverting it back won't work cause the computers been slow for like a year but I've been too lazy to fix it :lol/:


    Also this is my desktop

  8. ok my computer is running uber slow to the point where its the last straw. too much porn watching i think.


    Is there a way to revert it back to stock/default what ever you want to call it aka brand new?



    If i can do this how?


    Also if this can be done, how would i burn some files onto a disc.( i have a burner but only burnt music never a file)

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