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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. :finger:


    CUM ON PUSSIES. It rained this am, that means it washed the salt slurry off the road.

    im gonna be ridin. can that cute little ducati keep up at all?


    You're nucking futs.


    freeking panzie you should sell that gsxr to some one who will actually ride the dam thing. go back an put your seat warmers on your audi to warm your vagina up.



    bullshit! It won't be clear till spring once it rains like every day.


    Have fun laying over the ducati.

    annnnd your a panzieee that is all.

  2. With the expectation that temps will be in the 50's on Friday, anyone wanna setup a ride this Friday or Sat?


    Maybe we can get enough people together and hit up Hocking or some other interesting areas.

    The girl and i are going for a ride. probably not too far since im sure she will get cold.



    you do understand in the winter espically down south with the shit the put on the roads there will be slippery with rocks, salt and debris.


    your bike is still broke fix it or :gtfo:

  3. Anyone? I'm interested in getting a running lifted beetle, but possible simultaneous project. Seems like the aftermarket is endless, and the summer cruising would be awesome!


    Any tips/tricks/advice/forums/personal experiences?


    Yea endless amounts of parts due tob people used these an there parts in southern california offf roading. Booyah. Get one from so cal for a good price rust free

  4. Im buying another jetski next year... I know I know i;ll get bored with it quick but I just want something small and fun. It was fun having Sam Linn and me getting wild on buckeye lake....


    i will rent you my yamaha all summer till september :)

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