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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. My son always does the finger thing in his pics. I dont get it. Tell us something about you new guy.

    most douche bags to that... haha



    I appreciate the questions first. Its easy to flame when you are hiding behind a computer.



    I will flame you in person. im just as much of an asshole on here as i am in person..... just saying.









    disclosure: nice car

  2. damn paul... give the rest of us a chance at a job before you just go through them all!


    10 yrs IT experience - hook me up, ill give you my resume

    sadly di ive only had 1 job since i got layed off in September so im not taking them all, some one else seems to be taking them cecause i cant get crap.


    Why don't you push up your ship date.

    I tried my basic AIT an actual job availability isant available sooner. That's under the impression i got from my recruiters.

  3. Well I am back at it looking for work again, the job i ended up getting that would hold me over ended up giving me 50+ hours to 15.... soo im currently looking for another job.


    I have 7+ years in direct customer service, from being a waiter to being in a cubicle in a call center. Let me know if you know of something, thank you

  4. Yep, it sounds great Idk why he wants to get something else.



    Also yea I'm slacking on pics I have them on photobucket just haven't got arouns to it...




    to any one who buys this it is a awesome system an has really been used for only like a month as i was at the dealer when they installed it, sounds great!

  5. Send me pics of the slide.







    bump G1 smart phone for 50

    sidekick slide for 30

  6. Their pizza is awesome.

    yea it is mmm

    man I haven't been to planks in like ten years.. had my first flaming dr. pepper there, or something that you catch on fire before drinking.

    havent been there in years forgot how cool it is

    fuckers, stop telling people about Milanos. That's my spot lol.


    :finger: oooo so your saying i can meet mr lance if i go to milanos huh?


    i live right around the corner from that place an have NEVER been in there ughh need to try it

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