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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. My wife just went back to school, and is currently enrolled in chamberlin 100% online class to get her masters. Only insight I can give you is don't procrastinate. Each week there is a curriculum with a due date. 30 people in her class, her and another do it right away, the other 28 submit there work hours before its due the next week.


    It seems straight forward for the most part, just have to be disciplined to sit and do it with out any one telling you to do it.


    Good luck man.

  2. I could see living in the truck route for an occasion weekend, but not on an extended time frame. Maybe im a princess but this will be your home for a year, can you imagine all your stuff in the cab of a pickup truck? and sleep in it lol


    If you did do the truck route, the tent in the beds your best bet. downfall is you have to put it up and down every time you want to drive.



    I follow a few people on youtube, and if i didnt go the married kid route, i would be traveling in a van!

  3. I know you mainly posted about Tacoma, but then posted about other vehicles. If this is something your going to be traveling in and living in, the # 1 vehicle that people use to live in/boondock in is the ford econoline vans. Mainly you buy the 18 passanger E350. you can get them for cheap and you just build up the inside for cheap. To include bed, cooking area, bathroom tables ect ect. Something you can full time live in. There cheap to get, get decent mpg, reliable, Parts are verywhere. Just me 2 cents.


    Also you can get lift kits and 4x4 and diesel yada yada yada if you were worried about getting around. Theres a reason why these vehicles were used as fleet vehicles for every type of profession for god knows how many years.

  4. We have a large banner and still have a decent amount of the newer style decals after a replacement order last year. We moved in November and just got around to unpacking both garages, so the banner should be located soon.


    If you guys are able to bring them to the track day at the 29th, I can hand them out at that time to people that would like the.

  5. I got nailed by "Hotel Papa" (Highway Patrol Cessna) on I-71 by Sunbury. Nothing to add except I just paid the fee.


    Wow! So what your saying is, your were speeding, you got caught, anddddd you took responsibility and just paid the fine and moved on? So odd how that works....

  6. I would get a winter beater but over all rest of the year, sure why not. MPG will blow donkey but its the nature of the truck.


    Piling groceries in a regular cab can be annoying.


    Would recommend getting a bed cover, and or a small net/box n the bed for this. biggest downfall for single cab trucks is the space to store stuff.

  7. I don't expect anyone from CR to have interest in buying this, so if you want to shit in my thread and criticize the price/car/me or clutter it up with BS posts, go right ahead lol. I just can't believe the fucking people on craigslist. I mean I knew what to expect with craigslist but holy shit, it's a surprise to me that some of these people can figure out how to put their pants on in the morning.


    "Will you take payments" NO I'm not a bank


    "Will you trade for my 2001 Elantra and a Hi-Point and a PS3" NO get outta here with that bullshit


    "Will you wait for me to get my money from my baby momma when I take her to court next month" LOL NO


    "Do you still have it for sale" YES then no response ever. This happens multiple times daily


    "It's exactly what I'm looking for, I'll come with cash tonight please call me" PHONE CALL no answer and no response. Of course.


    Ugh fucking mouth breathers


    Wow that sucks.

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