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Posts posted by SRTurbo04



    I ride my HONDA vteccccc with steelies an no hoooooood.. cause im soo hoood yaaaaaaaaa


    ok that’s all I got. but some boring mod removed me from "jdmkid" :jerkit: thread so I figured ide post here cause im bored….and I wish honda civics were never made they are the reason why there is rice across the world



    WOOOO Vtec fo lifeeeeeee IT goes like vrooommmmm ahhhhh WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 35mph WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 37mph oMG were going now VTEC ENGAGED BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP ahhhhhhhhhhhhh 41 mph whew!

  2. what did you do to it?

    bike stalled an wouldnt restart last weekend. an had to be towed back to camp.... turns out the plug was so fouled it was insane but all is well now


    I am up for most every weekend. Its cheap fun and a good workout too. Be nice to do some camping soon whould be good as well.


    i wanna do the sanddunes trip an do some camping hmmm

  3. :mad: !!!!!!!!


    the wave runner has been down for a few months because Ive been lazy an had to boat to use. well boats gone an i want to go to the lake dammit! so i get back to working on the wave runner replacing a starter relay solenoid.


    but wouldn't you know something so easy as a fuse sounds easy... WRONG!


    its tucked in between two areas behind the motor an below it pretty much. so its a tight tightttt squeeze.. get the old part half way out an decide undoing the wiring would just be too hard so i cut the old solenoid off an just extend the wires. get that all squared away an then try to put the new longer wires on the new solenoid...i mistakenly over tighten the bolt an now it just spins freely inside the solenoid so Ive gotta get another one i believe :mad:!!!!!!!!!


    why cant it just be simple so i can enjoy my weekend on the water WTF!!!!!!

  4. Verizon people.


    got a friend that has a blackberry something and she had all her contacts backed up online like usual … well her crapberry broke an is going back to a non crapberry for a bit is there any way to download her contacts back to another phone?

  5. Lol. Bigger exhaust wheel? You mean compressor wheel. E1's make 350 pushing it. Torque is decent. Even with an external w/g, still not that good.


    And you haven't seen me run yet fool.


    Wernt u at a cr track day this year?

  6. ur gayyyyyyy srt4sss are gayyyyyyyyy


    Wow. Kevin-Check. Srt-4-Check.

    Nice srt. Need to go big turbo and get it over with though.

    why so he can run 14s an 13s liek you did last track day OOOOOOOOOO :bangbang:



    Nice intro. Nice car, I used to have one and absolutely hated it. It is a toss up between the s4 and the srt4 for car I dislike the most out of all I have owned.

    thats because yours was slow an u cant drive :p


    Not to come off as a hater, but any stock modified turbo is not gonna cut it. Share some details.

    e1 makes a nice one ported an bigger exhaust wheel.



    its ok i will own both of you from a dig ... im on stock turbo un touched too get some.

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