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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. okay lets get a couple things straight the evo was making only 240 when rob had it and now its tuned right but the evo is stock except exhaust... second your a bitch for calling me a pussy shut your mouth unless you know the story. no shit i know there faster than me im pretty much stock and im going against a turboed 302 idc if your on 13 pounds your still making a shit tone more power than me so considering your car weighs 600 lbs less than mine and your running slicks i think it makes me not a bitch to race you when i know i was gonna get beat. and second im sure youll race me IF i did get my head built because ill only be making an extra like 30 or 40 hp.. and last i didnt say i hung i said i did way better than i thought i would have done theres a difference.


    not sure who your talking to but ughh KID[/byou just hit puberty acting hard isant gonna work..expecially over the internet...


    but hey they have all big nice cars how about u race my little pos NEON? i made 260hp on the dyno just a few weeks ago pics an videos on cr to show too....

  2. Welcome to the site. Sorry about your car man. I love how everyone is swetting this chick in the pics... If it wasnt for her face being in the picture I wouldnt know what was her fat ass and what was her hefty muffin top/ beer gut she is working with. For real I could be a case deep and even with beer goggles wouldnt give her a second look.


    im sure her an her muffin top would be less of a pussy when weed wacking in a ditch :jerkit:

  3. Marc is a fairy? Anyone have the back-story as to why the :marc: smiley is nicknamed marc?


    Is it the marc that’s the mod that never really posts or ? Always wondered that. hmm


    Before your time junior


    apparently… hence why I asked for the back story. try to keep up fuckstick




    thanks for the responses thats funny carry on

  4. AHHHHH SHIT, check that join date now bitches!!!!! woot




    thanks for being a bitch and calling me out big bird, i got my old account back!!!!!!!!!!

    be on mw2 tonight with anthony so i can call you a bitch everytime you get shot :bangbang:

  5. that was actually a my roommates account from like a year or so ago, i posted on it. but, when we weren't roommates anymore I forgot the password and it was going to his email. then awhile after is when i made the current account when i wanted to post again.



    but, i didn't post that much on it and never was unruly.


    and i wasn't freaking doing anything wrong now, beside posting on a forum.


    whatever. just ban me again if that's what u gotta do.


    1 don't get all vagina butt hurt

    2 don't mind spaceghost he's just a littly cry baby that gets all butt hurt over little things

    An then likes to get all serious buisnesss ahhhh raaawwwwrrr moddddddd powers engage!!!!!



  6. People take themselves too seriously.

    Didn't you know being a mod is the serious buisness!! rawwwwrrrr ahhh o m g let's bannnnn ahhhhhhhhhh :finger: for cry baby ben :finger: for shawn :finger: for jones just cause he's a vagina too



    It's no fun banning you anymore, I feel bad when it happens, like when people call double dribble when a retard is playing basketball. From the video of you I saw you just might be....


    Meh d- on the insult go see if there's a better app for that on ur iphone

  7. Bullshit, people do not post pics of shit on TP after they have wiped their ass, it is not work Safe, wanna argue some more, I didn't ban you for it. I can if you like. High horse that. If you posted a LINK it's OK, but you hot linked it.


    They see me rollin they hating....



    Oo boom powww high horse that!!! :jerkit:

  8. That pic is NSFW dumb ass, and you know it.


    Um I'm sorry dumb ass how so? No nudity, nothing explicit. People post poos all the time. Get off ur high horse you fuckstick

  9. Idk why you guys are getting butthurt. We as members made that rule he followed it. he said sorry for his actions so just get over it seriously. Just becasue someone pissed in your wheaties doesnt mean you gotta be bitchmade and complain about some little shit.


    Please go back to the bat cave before I take a shit in ur wheeties. :lol:

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