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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. PERKS to being a customer trying to spend their money...if a customer isn't satisfied then there entitled to their opinion.. an if they have more business then they can handle then it sounds like they can have someone to man the phone/ office…. just saying. see above...
  2. you noticed how he hasent posted in here yet... spankghost cant ever be wrong remember no no no :jerkit:
  3. inb4 aaron comes in nuts swinging rawwwwrrrrrrr. sorry im of not help carry on
  4. I gave hima dam good offer on this broken equipment but didn't want to take it meh
  5. bill your gay stfu with you an your feelings
  6. here come the excuses... what about the week before that haha. better bring ur a game chief im in the zone
  7. excuses excuses... better come on out phil says hes gonna own you.


    worse then the school girl beatings ive been giving you :lol:

  8. you coming out tomorrow for pool? :D
  9. sorry for the mix up v8beast brian carter
  10. whats he currently ride right now? get him a blaster 250 two stroke (there for sale cheap too) will move him along nicely an then move him up to a full size quad in 2 seasons. dirtbikes in ohio since it smostly tight trails just isant fun... i had dirtbikes in so cal when i lived there an was great in the open desert.. i moved to ohio an had quads on the trails an was great. jsut recently got a dirtbike an hate it... cause the trails are so tight.. i would pull trump an just get him a new quad he will enjoy it more. but if he still wants one ive got a 01 ktm 250sx dirtbiek for sale
  11. brian carter has a odd obsession with name raping phil every few days
  12. no problem just thought ide throw it out there goodluck with your search
  13. I've got a neon for sale perfect winter beater. Will come with an extra set of rims with some blizzick snow tires http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/1308febc.jpg
  14. I have come to realize this. Also I swear I get more spam/bs job offers then I do on craigslist
  15. i cracked up the whole time. the gay jokes to hulk hogas were funny as hell too
  16. Applied at a few places made, a profile on career builder. An have gotten nothing but junk emails an phone calls FML
  17. Always gotta show us up with ur turbo ta
  18. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=67&pictureid=426
  19. But u get paid to do thay... I'm doin this out of the goodness of my heart to help cr. So I have. Rights to complain like a panzie :gtfo: Finally done 9 hours of that suckkked
  20. Is a douche bag! It is sooooo hottttt out here. Buckeye the ginger an I are sweating from our anus out at trails!!I almost got hit by like 5 cars at the entrance an I've lost 5 pounds of body weight from dripping sweat. I know this was voluntary to help cr out but I wanna give a big fuck you to you sir
  21. Eathier gyet a vin or a pic. Instead of playing a guessing game.
  22. John you fail :finger: Brian who's ur ex?
  23. John uu fail :finger: Brian who's ur ex?
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