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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. What's cheap to you? To me cheap is $300 or less for a brand new trailer. If you agree check out Harbor freight, you can get a 4x8 trailer for like $250.


    U sir are one cheap bastard...... an i love it :lol: would of never thoguht to look anywhere like that harbor freight has something i could use too wooo

    Still looking for something fromk someone if not ill buy this shindig



  2. wanting to buy a small trailer to fit 2 dirtbikes on or 1 quad and a dirtbike on . doesnt have to be preety just has to be functional let me know what you have.


    disclaimer looking for cheap nothing expensive an fancy

  3. Hopefully rob has my car done Friday nite waiting for the distributer crossing fingers

    ooo doubttttit better bring the nova :p

    More like Rhett switched teams with less then a weeks notice and leaving me with no vynils doubling my cost for the trip. Can't come up with vynils and cash on such short notice.

    douchebag move rhett!

    Fuck rhett, wait he's riding with me.... fuck rhett lol


    yea fuck rhett!

  4. :finger:


    Actually, she is alive and monster sounding. No, seriously, A BEAST. Should be more then enough to run you, even during my break in period. :D


    All I have left is finishing up wiring up the gauges. I'll take ya for a spin.


    :lol: I'm sure it will boats been sold getting picked up tomorrow :p



  5. paul you cant make it out? Just tell the boss you feel sick and leave. Doc let me know when you feel like you can make it out. Maybe next week I will take all the guys out there for a cr boat night.
    haha I thought about it but gotta be on my best behavior trying to get a new position an have to have aclean slate.


    I will be out next week.


    I call bs :D

  6. Who here gets scratch offs or plays the lotto an crap?


    Lately been doing scratch offs an usualy break even


    Been luck with the firecracker cash an the happy birthday ones hahaha


    What does evferyone else do ? Do u usually make out or lose $?

  7. more like... damit i cant find the good nerdy pics of anton jackson from under cover brotha





  8. that's seriously fucked up man... you beat the shit out of his car, watched it catch on fire (right after you drove it) and didn't feel you were responsible for it at all?

    sooo ok look at it this way what is the owner drove the car on the test drive... same outcome right... ... RIGHT....


    Do you ever have a normal day where you just hang out and nothing happens ??

    First the dog chasing a bike and now this !

    well there was this one day :lol:



    Even if it's a "smokin" hot deal"? ahohhh! :bangbang:
    bahahahahaah winner :bangbang:


    Phil has bad karma written all over him LOL

    thats for sure

  9. You will get through it. Its gonna be tough but hang out with your friends do crazy shit like run with the PRK we'll def get your mind off of it. The thing i found hard is when your not doing anything at all. you drown yourself in the memories of what was. So seriously man get out and hang with your friends and family there the best in the situation. Oh and maybe getting some strange may work but make sure its just strange and nothing more, you dont wanna become the asshole girls hate lol


    Do the prk ralley to put in bay an party

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