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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. My sisters currently doing this at everest( a school specific for medical stuff) an its a 7 month program for a nurse s assistant an from there they have placement to hospitols then. They work there as well as get there rn so it works out very well. Might wanna look. Into.
  2. Call me in the morning. You will have pm next

    sorry i read this after i sent the pm will do thank you.

    Have you considered getting into sales?


    I have but if the jobs pay is solely based on sales then that makes me a bit weary in this day and age with the way the economy has been.


    I know there is great potential to make a great living doing so, but there is also the side where you could make near nothing, an ive already experienced that being a waiter. it's just too inconsistent and with me wanting to buy a house shortly I need a steady consistant flow.

  3. Currently looking for a new job possibly even career to get into. At the moment I do collections at chase bank and have done so for the last two and a half years. Before hand I was a waiter for 5 years, so I have always been in a job directly with the customer.


    Would really like to get get out of direct customer service (aka face to face or phones) but open to anything really.


    Anyone have any leads?


    Thank you for your time.

  4. :lol:



    The only thing holding back the water at the faucet is the on off snozzel.. if u put the hose with a on off nozzel u just moved the nozzel farther away.


    I belive the meter counts when it comes to the house not per faucet....

  5. :lol:



    The only thing holding back the water at the faucet is the on off snozzel.. if u put the hose with a on off nozzel u just moved the nozzel farther away.


    I belive the meter counts when it comes to the house not per faucet....

  6. Lock it up got a bike for me. Screw trying to find an spend $ on another bike for a friend or someone to use :lol:



    My quad is still for sale. If you don't want the trailer or ramp I can drop the price





    is that what your 600 is? A sportbike?

    yes :finger:

  7. FUCK i wish I could have went, got my car back this morning. When I was driving back home I saw the yellow C6 and the supra, then about 5 min later saw the silver evo and black fox body. that's freaking awesome!

    i was the dude in the silver 350 behind you guys for a little bit! 315 is a fun road!

    there was no supra or evo in this rally....


    We got some great pictures out of this. Be prepared to be put on Facebook and tagged!


    hahaha awesome




    i want to give a big thanks to shanton. you are the man! he was so detailed with this rally there were no issues . he had everything down to a t no issues . i had such a blast an hope to do this again with you next year.

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