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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Ull take the hit.. he sends 5k ull get what ever is left after the ffes usually 3% advise him to add in 3% more if hje wants to do it this way


    Also u can transfer the whole ammount to ur account takes anywhere from 2 to 7 days


    Edot: now since its such a large transfer from his cc they might put a hold on it. A few days before they release the funds to ur paypal account.. I don't usually deal with such large ones but they did put a hold on a 600$ transaction a few days.

  2. My bad... I thought Sam was you for a second. I know you need 32 and the hit to have a chance of losing in a respectable manner.


    0-100 thats funny That's just as bad as someone stopping the race at 120 just to say they won lol!!!!


    shoot i hope ur not talking about me... if so i gave a 100mph courtesy on that short ass road in mexico

  3. I can't get the civic over them at all but I normally drive my POS olds. Just be like me and drive around them I never stop at any of stop signs I just time it to where there are no cars coming and go

    Haha its a dam road race course at 9. Vroooooom :lol:

    Welcome to the B.S.


    I totally forgot u work for chase. Ur at the westerefille right?

  4. Yeah it's sad, i guess they cut them down from where they were though lol.


    Yea my stuck mustang used to scrape on the old hugeeee bumps.


    They cut them down an my srt exhaust still straped fml . Same with my bike

  5. lol have fun, i work 12-9 there and see pauls lazy ass always walking around, must be nice haha

    :lol: i do take alot of breaks ahh well

    Welcome to Hell.


    hell? u sit on ur ass at home an work!

  6. took the boat on out to buckeye lake alot of boats out there today.


    boat ran great the weather was perfect!!!!!


    :D thank it all . hope all you wimps had fun on land since its too "cold" still

  7. If I read correctly this happen 6 months ago?


    Bust him out or something so that people don't waste there time dealing with them, like we wasted our time reading this thread.


    Hope it works out for u

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