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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. This guy must have some driving problems or sum LOL


    LMAO......it doesnt leave home, maybe once a year, its nothing new lol


    i know right....

    I got a old 20gig harddrive i can sell to you. Just got myself a 120gig one. LMK if your interested.

    buy this cam

  2. you can have all my chain link fence if you take it down. there is a at least 100'.

    thats nice of you... there really is alto of fence there ... i always think about ninja jumping over it to steal the z06


    an theres a ton of chain link pieces behind robs shop where we off road. (i belive its stil lthere been a bit)im sure if you ripped it out you would have some this way it doesnt get stuck under the trucks

  3. paul, your not allowed to talk shit until you get on and race me lol.

    weve alreaddy raced... how was the tail lights of a 5300 pound ram... :lol:


    If that new bill passes the way it is, were all going to racing on X-box.
    shoot its ok they have cobras an garages itll be liek your car never left home :)


    AW.....there you go, no talking shit PAUL;)


    ahhh hes talking crap cause he wants a rematch cause i spanked his ass bad in a 5300lb truck

  4. i dont think anything short of a tank is crossing that creek..lol


    rob will do it one of these days. haha if his ass woudl let me ride his quad ill bonzie the shit out of it an get it across... i should of just for a full speed fun at it in the ranger an jsut skipped across it

  5. i call bs...no oil at all? you saw how quick that rodeo locked up with no oil...it only made it 100 yards
    swear on all that is holy. it smoked from time to time an knocked a little but nothign too bad. the car cruised down the road too just purrd.


    ugliest car ever but dam it was a champ

  6. why would you ruin it? theres a path around it...leave the ruts for the big trucks who wanna give it a shot


    how many trucks have you seen go threw that an make it.... i havent seen a single one soo why not make it so more people can use it an get threw it or ENJOY it.. if we cut down teh rut itll be like a mud bog that will still be difficult but wont get stuck on there axels...


    if the "big dogs" wanna play they can make it across the creek :lol: that woudl be sweet to see.

  7. that entrance is blocked off by the land owner...the company right there owns that entrance..lol and they dont want people on there property...not like it stops us from going thru the field on the other side tho..lol



    and tyler, yes thorne could come in the paintball side, but he wouldnt be able to get around the creek area very well..the rodeo barely made it thru there..



    and most of the trails i would drive the rodeo on, i only did it when it was dry out..i got stuck in the same place anthony did one night.only i was going the other way, and i slid down into the rutts..that was the night i welded the front hubs up too, cause i found i was only in 2wd...:o


    i need a new mud runner..paths need made for rally racing and shit..lol


    that rodeo was beast... get some thing fix it... an build your self a custom lift an setup ... on a redneck budget... jsut throw shit you have laying around at it im sure youll be able to built somethign bad ass an fun on the uber cheap ha

  8. effort? i called the uhaul main center and had them do a full search of central ohio and they said there were none...each time i called


    meh no issues here they dont lie you i guess




    thorne what did you break? an what were you doing when you broke it lol

  9. he could go right up where everyone else goes in couldnt he? his car isnt lowered or anything to my knowledge...or he could cross around the business side and come in through the paintball area, or even go up the hill we dragged the rodeo up


    didnt miller get his corrola or maxima or whatever he drives, up there lol?


    yes.. he can get into the entrance where teh ranger was dragged out( right next to the jump/. its flat an he wont have any problem thorne fix ur shit an we will get you back there safe

  10. paul...youre always suggesting uhaul to rent car trailers...i think you and anthony are the only lucky people in central ohio because the times ive called, they have not had one trailer available anywhere in central ohio


    u just dont put any effort into looking... the newark location had liek 6 when the ginger an i went an got one last week...

  11. damm that sucksss i know your low on funds but not many people have trailers but alot have trucks.. an u haul rents them for under 50 bucks might wanan find someone with a truck an then go rent a trailer...


    or see what kind is discount capitol towing on here gives to cr members an see how much it woudl be.

  12. Best server in that joint is some little woman with long brown hair.. She's older than the rest and she has been there since before they moved, and thier pizza was better before they moved too. But still is very good


    reallly really skinny no butt. brunette older? if so we had her nice girl

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