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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. i make it across just fine on the small side..but some times i have to winch across..


    we can make a crossing on the creek, back on the quad path i started in the old paint ball field ..but it will take either lots of digging, or build a bridge..lol


    we wil lfigure something out this weekend... there are a couple old cars back there still right? if so im sure we can find a way to drag them out there throw them in an built around it

  2. ill go, but I ski.


    cant make it out this weekend but in about two weeks or so if the weather is good i am down for sure...


    how much are season passes their??? I looked on the webiste and it was showing differnet pricing for different times etc so is there just a pass you can get for the season to go anytime or is it all set up depending on what session you want to board during?


    250 for a seaon pass no black out there there is the pick a day wich is liek 150 an u get to choose days but not anytime


    then there is the 450... wich doesnt make any sense cause from what i see the only perk is u can get your pass from the shop which woudl cut out waiting in line an also liek 50 gift card... but i dont see how its 200 more bucks just to save a few minuites in line...


    but i bought the 250 $ one an it says no black out dates at all


    did u finally get a board yet/

  3. I totally agree. I stretched my first lamp to well over 3 years since it was a videogame/movie/sports monitor and not an everyday TV


    thats the thing though ill be gettin rid of my big screen an this will be my everyday tv as well. obviusly itll shroten the life . are new lamps affordable to replace?

  4. its in a game room in the basement two small windows 2 feet by 1 feet) which will be covered when in use. so 100% no light in room. all walls are white


    i was going to use the wall or a sheet untill i can get a really good screen.


    an if im going to spend the $ on a projector i woudl like atleast 100 inch capabable use out of it

  5. So I have been throwing the idea out there of upgrading from my current tv….a rca 52 inch 1080 big screen… it's just way to small for the room 25/22 (or maybe 20 I forget these days) feet room.


    the next TV I would like to get would have to be 65+ inch but wow they are expensive. after seeing a lot of friends setups for home theaters with projectors I've been looking here and there at them.


    Can anyone school me on projectors….. pros and cons ?


    I mainly play Xbox an watch a few TVs shows a night so maybe 3 to -5 hours a day MAX.


    does anyone here use one on a daily basis…. can a projector be used as a daily TV? everywhere I read it always comes back to this projector. for its price, ease, an good quality and it screens in 1080







    also I see that the lamp life is only about 3000 hours… are lamps known to fail prematurely… are they easy/cheap to replace a lamp.?


    thank you ahead of time for your opinions an help.

  6. a homo lol brian you take the oddest photos man hahahahaa that is all















  7. Be looking for it to open closer to the 12th, weather permitting. Reguardless, when there's snow, I'll be there.


    nbc stated this weekend ughh damm news sucks




    i guess ill just have to watch the website an hope for thsi weekend i got excited seeing the news story haha

  8. ok so just saw on the news(an website says it as well) that mad river will start making fake snow tonight an will continue all weekend with the lower temps. news states it will also be opening tomorrow night... if not this weekend



    so if they are able to have snow stickk an open up who wants to go friday night or this weekend? if its board-able il lbe going all weekend cause ive got a season pass. wooohooo






    disclaimer i know itll be crappy icee snow but hey if i can board on it im there

  9. I've driven a G35...I'd seriously only buy one if it was for $500 or less.




    have you thought about gettin a high mile mach1 .. im sure with a litle work u coudl get one for aroudn 10k goodluck man should of kept your CLEAN cobra



    :yawn: so far all i hear is what your gonna do... when u dont have live to race me.. so technically your bench racing haha so hit m eupw hen ur ready boy. :bangbang:



    umm no not really i mean ill dig this weekend at robs. oh but i did digg up some bushes in my yard last week. kind of an odd thing to ask about gardening stuff in a video game thread but hmm ok


    Im going to get my online stuff tomorrow so.......I hope ill be able to play online soon.







    an man turn off the caps!

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