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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. ok just got the text from mad river as well as checked the web site mad river will be open at 1pm Friday the 11th booyaa ill be heading after work Friday night9pm ( they are open till 3am) who is down to go this weekend. Friday Saturday or Sunday? an yea yea blahblah mad river sucks I don’t care I just wanna board an it’s the closest so suck my nuts. if you don’t want to go then don’t post



    Day Ticket 9am-9:30pm $42

    AM Ticket 9am-2pm $37

    PM Ticket 4pm-9:30pm $35

    XTreme 4pm-3am (3) $40



    Ski Rental-adult/senior* $25

    Snowboard rental adult/senior* $29

  2. its easy. go to races.. an itll give you the choice to go league.. somethign else an then multiplayer..click there an you can eathier join a game or set upa private match with friends... but just add my gamer tag online an ill send you an invite srturbo04
  3. Go fuck yourself paul. Read the thread again, and until post 23 or so, nothing I said was any different than the dozens of threads posted daily where, you, gearhead, trowa, killjoy etc post bull shit just to stir shit up. You guys post up more bull shit than anyone else here, yet because I like to poke fun of and defend foreign cars when they get bombarded with hillbilly bull shit posts its my fault?


    Get the fuck out of here, you all bitch and moan about threads when people post up different opinions than yours, yet most of those bitching are the biggest offenders when the tables are turned.


    Grow up douche bag.

    aww dang did i hit a nerve there emo kid?


    post # 14 an 21 is where u created this whole off topic shit storm. i take topics off topic in none car related topics... shit that doesnt matter so how about you fuck off... lol an you say to grow up yet you call people douche bags :jerkit: realllll mature there...if you want to continue this make a new post quit shitting in this thread.




    brian shoudl be a good upcoming years from the gm/ford crowd. i just hope they both stay afloat an get back on there feet so we can see what they can really offer on the table

  4. If I were you Wagner I would just lock the thread. This was suppose to be a comparision between the Mustang vs Camaro. Turned into a import vs domestic thread. This is why I post less and less on here.


    you can graciously thank mkv aaron for that. once again he comes in to spew his love for German stuff. that’s cool dude u like this or that ….but this was a thread about camaros an mustans


    not calling you out man but i swear every time there is a thread on here you always come by an poke your head in an ebattle about german cars cool man good for you an your german stuff. an thats fine but there is a time an place for that. an this thread was not one of them

  5. @ Gary - I'm not sure what stock boost is. 7-8ish maybe?

    my long term plan is basically this. because as i mentioned i want a daily driver. while i'd love to make this into an 11 second monster i would have horrible gas mileage at that point and i can't do that.


    @everyone - sounds like the blower pulley is not the way to go with the stock internals, which i feared, thank you for the advice.


    @ Jcroz - "i was quoted $350 for the cam an then with springs, rods, and retainers it came out to about $650-$700 in parts then about $700 or $800 for the install." on their price listing thing it says 400. so youre telling me i have to fet the srpings, rods, retainers and drop 650--700 for it? then double that for install? cuz damn. if thats true i can NOT put a cam on my car.


    also. what kind of gas mileage (mpg) do you have with your setup? and how would a cam change that (for better or for worse?)

    gotta pay to play. if you cant do the work your self then it can be costly. your best bet is to call around an get quotes on what itll cost labor wise. good place to start(an not sure ull need to go anywhere else) is pm gearhead on here tell him what al lyou will need done an see if he can thow you a quote for a package deal.


    also he has alot of hoop up with vendors an also pm mr sheeba for prices he can beat alot of peoples prices as well)

  6. OMG.....I might not be able to run with u guys just yet lol DRIFT have not even be introduced to that.
    dont waste your time with the faggot drift shit. just RACE



    i cant call but what issues are you having?

  7. There was a point in my life I was kinda like that, mainly when COFBA was around (2002 - 2005). Once the kids came and got older it toned down a lot because my kids/family are more important than a physical object. Basically you shift your free time around and kids do require a lot of you time.


    I'm going to guess you don't have kids yet, once you do, you will change, we all do...


    Now if I hit the lottery big and never had to work again in my life, I'd have probably 20-30 cars in a big garage so I can tinker... A man can only dream.... lol

    hes got a kiddo shes cool too.


    yes, you need help. chevys are junk, i work on them EVERY day and i would NEVER own one. except for a corvette.

    :lol: you drive a dsm really.....






    im 100% over addicted ... i get yelled at by everyone cause all i talk about is cars an racing cars :( come on i was a on a date with a girl an instead of just relaxing with her i took her out an whet an dig raced an 40 rolled cordell haha (i lost too an she made fun of me lol)

  8. Interested in any trades for the SRT? Modded 98 Mustang Gt+ (92k miles, clean) and 1998 Contour SVT (112k)?




    i dont belive they are looking for a trade. kid owned it (his aunt or something cosigned) an kid stopped making payments... aunt took car away an has been trying to sell it for some time now. i belive there is a lean on it as well.

  9. OK.......Im game for online I think, I will mess wit it some more tonight so....


    if youve got all the stuff then add me up srturbo04 an ill race you tonight.... u gonan get walked son

  10. O.K......from what I was told, the wireless internet often freezes, so it would be better to just hook a cord up to the modem for a better play...is it true?


    Also is the headset and key pad, is it really needed, do you guys use them?


    Keypad no headset yes. I have my internet threw a cod my buddy has the wireless an its iffy at times

  11. I have mixed opinions on this. on one hand ide hate to lose something like that but on the other if there is no phone number to call them at then why should u do the work to try to track these people down. I know it's bad karma but why should you go out of your way an do work trying to find these people.


    an I don’t see how you people think its steeling. you found a gift card … if u go to use it they will cash it an bam it's your lucky day that you found that. a credit card is another story but a gift card really come on be realistic.


    Jason if there was a # to call with the gift card then give them a call tell them to come pick it up as u have found it


    if no # then just keep it

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