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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I think watching my GT2's taillights during a down/uphill point-to-point race in a heavy truck would be more entertaining ;)


    im sure it woudl seeing as the suvs handle as good as a dump drunk...


    how about a fair race poiunt to point road course or drag... be online this weekend. im sure that jr (marabu) sol740 or myself would be glad to bring the smackdown on your gt2....

  2. did this last year with wood and it didn't work good enough


    sounds liek u didnt put enough weight in there then... step it up load it with logs an then put snow on that so it all freezes an its jsut one big piece of ice in the back bam instant traction. if if didnt work u didnt use it enough



    an bags of sand. softntner things cost money.. logs an snow can be had for free :0

  3. just put normal tires on there an load the bed fulyl loaded with snow to put weight over the rear itll do fine.. my ranger had 14 inch car street tires on it an i loaded the bed packed with snow an i was able to drive around perfectly fine




    or if your too lazy to shovel snow in ever time it snows hard then logs/wood work too

  4. this is a joke... you pay just as much for the foil/costume, or more than the cost of a burrito...................................................................


    u live at home jsut got get some from the pantry lol or at your work you uncreative fucker lol

  5. I brought a ram last night and put 180k in it and now it make 1009whp


    lets go paul and rob

    ... yea but what class is it in? see you keep building shit thats wayyy out classed... an fully built an it bumps it up in to a s or liek u class... only casue its fully built. yea i could do that to mine but in the "A" class there isant much that has been able to beat it... so wooptie do lol built somethign for a class so we can race a legit race fool



    If ya babby daddy left ya and ya kids on your on and ya need a real n put my numba in ya phone


    lol has nothign to do with forza but ok sweet haha


    ill add u on forza tonight so i can destroy your mustangs

  6. Hey i didnt touch it.


    You're going to be mad jealous when me, jeff and shaun are rolling around with kickass phones, and you got a plain jane G1 over there...so lame.

    haahaha mmhmm i still dont see whats soo good about it though? mabey ide have to see it


    im tempted to try again:eek:
    lol u failll


    Chris doesn't work, he just goes to work to sit because he gets bored of sitting at home.
    yea he just sits online an swings off of the audi nutsac ;)






    Just so you guys know, I've only rooted a phone once and it just happened to be successful. But I have flashed countless roms, radios and SPL's...so in the case of someone going wrong, which I am sure wont, please dont hold me responsible.


    don don don!! hes out to break your shit.. j.k haha nice of you to help them

  7. its not about autocross paul its about road racing.


    now i know i won't be able to race it every weekend or maybe more than 2-3 times a year for that matter but i could still autocross with it.


    i didnt say autox you jack hole some thign like this lol

    an open wheel type car.... you coudl auto x it an road course it






    i just dont see you spending a shit ton of $ on something you will only use a few times a year... the vette u have now u can daily drive , drive to teh race... race al day an drive home... vs a fully prepped non street legal car that u have to trailer an only use a few times to me is a waste of $ just get a sti :)

  8. too lazy to read all the responses... this "race car" camn you drive it on the street? if so then yes do it if not then why waste the $ just built a shifter cart or one of those mini indy car looking things
  9. Dont forget the batteries for the controllers


    an you wouldnt need batteries for a wireless ps3 controller? what do they run on hopes an dreams( f&f yoo)? btw they also make corded 360 remotes bbammm so lets see here


    the x box comes with a headset check

    the ps3 sounds like it doesnt come with one check

    the xbox WIRELESS remotes take batteris thats a given check

    sounds liek the ps3 controllers come with cords lameee check ?

  10. i bought it for my cell phone looooooong before i bought my ps3, douchebag!


    true for your cell phone sooo you WOULD of had to buy a headset for your ps3.... cause i dont belive your bluetooth headset for your cell phone came with your ps3... so

  11. no blu-ray, headsets cost extra where as my cell phone bluetooth headset can be paired and ready to go, ps3 online play is free no monthly/yearly fee, I just didn't like the xbox system period g/f has a wii right now that i don't like either but if you like the 360 then good for you to each his own, i never said anything bad about people that play them except paul :D


    head set was free with the game ....

    oo u can use ur blue tooth..but u spent money to get that bluetooth headset ZING!

  12. Whatever you say. Your cars faster than mine, Congratulations.




    I like the companies under VAG control more than any other car companies. I like Audi more than BMW and Mercedes, VW more than Toyota, Chevy and Nissan, Lambo more than Ferrari etc etc etc.


    Its not being a nut swinger, I just seem to like their products better than the competition.


    But your right, when someone has an opinion on a car, and sticks to it, its nutswinging. :gtfo:



  13. i dont hype up that car..i know what the car is capable of, not my issue if the driver isnt.


    and lets not talk about how you hype that POS peon all the time..i mean you beat scotts fail body, once and you think your faster then any thing around, but refuse to race faster fail body's



    odd i dont recall declining a race to well.... any one. u obviously have me mistaken


    an i "hype" my car up cause no one will race from cr... all they do is talk abouit what there car SHOULD DO but dont ever do it..


    now roy for instance he talks an he backs his crap up with his car he has to run an jsut wants to race... same as me so roy hit me up in the spring when this cars done



    burmese and paul will both race win loose or draw so + rep for both

    haha thanks

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