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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. you got walked by roys slow civic, so :gtfo:


    thats cool i know i did... he puts out almsot 200 exta hp then me half the weight an slicks btw(no offense roy) he didnt beat me by much but that wasent my question roberto but good try to change the subjectbut I WAS talking about the rsx that ur always hyping up but never seems to "be in race mode" an keepsgettin beat by people.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I have a midterm tomorrow, econ 502. When I am free though, sounds good.


    what is done to the v6? According to the internetz, stock 5 speeds should run low 15's at 89-93 on a good day.

    88mm single turbo .... an by that i mean stock :bangbang:

  3. an a rear end fool!


    don't get sucked


    your background looks like it is very unsafe. :popcorn:


    its time to get of my balls


    and blown


    bent out of shape when people ride your ass over .



    there sure is alot of homoness in here tonight

  4. jeffro put 2 and 2 together or learn how to read. the swap will be done soon. that means... it will then be a sleeper. do u understand or do u need more help??


    ". and if you didnt know a 3sgte is not stock in a celica.


    its not stock in my car so maybe its time to get of my balls

    u never specified what year. you just said it didnt come in celicas...


    im just saying mabey you should read an figure out what YOUR saying... before you try to dog some one else

  5. "Often reffering to what appears to be a ordinary looking stock commuter car that is anything but stock under the hood." quote from urban dictionary. seems like a pretty fair definition to me. and if you didnt know a 3sgte is not stock in a celica.





    came in a mr2.. a caldina an CELICA ....


    Yes it is, not many here in the United States. Ever heard of a Celica All-Trac?


    and this.....



    i dont know jack about these cars 2 seconds in wiki proves u dont really know what your talking about. an i see youve logged on since ive posted ahh well you suck your no fun

  6. Sweet, mine is on its way. It says that someone will try to call you for a phone survey sometime after you receive it.


    I signed up but used some Wal-Mart's phone number instead of my own' date=' someone told me they try to call before you get it to make sure it's you so I might be screwed.[/quote']


    i wasnt prompted for a telephone number


    hmm i put in a fake # ... so hopefully they dont really call you first i thought i twas more of a newsletter threw the mail or email ahh well

  7. the kid with the rsx cant drive, and it dont make 460 hp on low boost :p


    and turbo;d civics arent real cars to race :p


    your always talking about how fast that car "should" be but yet it never seems to be fast enough .... lol...



    roy i dont know hondas but what is the difference between your last green car vs this.. they look liek the same dang thing"?

  8. turbo maybe you need help too. just because there is a faster car out there somewhere doesnt change that it will be a sleeper. and it will be completed there are no dreams here. and for future reference i dont care about your cars at all. if its faster than mine more power to you. do u want a trophy or something?


    no no thanks, how about a cookie?

    oh an whats so sleeperish about a car thatll mabey run a 14?


    sadly even my shits slow :(

  9. hmm after further review my card has a #2 with acircle around it i fail



    dang what caards were i lookign at at best buy then that were 60 bucks haha


    also trying tryed to look at that web site what exact alyl does rooting to for you? whats different then what i have now... an please in english not nerd.

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