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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Do you receive comp time?


    doubtfull my mom is in the same boat.


    im assuming your dealing with the conversion? if so my moms putting in 90+ hour work weeks right now as well with the dam thing. shes at the albany new york location this week with the dang converstion gotta love chase worked over time but not gettin paid for it

  2. Neither, Boburitto from Bob Evans




    u do know that that is so discusting... 3 day old chili too hahah i worked there for 5 years as a waiter... u dont want to eat that trust me

  3. Been up since 7 this morning fucking around with the new appliances. Heading to jegs to grab some plug wires and will be out in the shop all day working on the bimmer hoping I didnt gernade the motor.

    yeaaa that would suck. goodluck man

  4. been busy at work, with all the layoffs it leaves the rest of us fucked. Then add people taking vacation and it becomes a near suicide situation :lol:

    Two weeks ago I didnt like the way the new engine was acting and then the starter stopped working. I got pissed and havent went back into the shop since.

    I am done for the year.


    race the trailblazer :)

  5. I hate working saturdays.

    yea so do i. i have t o work one satruday a month for 4 hours ahh such a waste

    I'm up, got a few last minute things to take care of before I leave for my trip. As you can tell I'm being very productive with that.


    dont lie your just gettin home from a guy named jeans house that u met at a gay bar last night

  6. If anyone can think of an suv in the $15k range that has 3rd row seating, 4wd, over $6000lbs tow capacity, and good safety ratings please let me know. My bonus check is being held for ransom by my job so its looks like I have a month to make a decision.


    expedition mine seats 9 tows a shit ton mines older though u can find newer ones for under 15k easily., excursion big bad mofo make sure to get diesel though as the v10 sucks gas more then phil sucks cock. tahoe/yukon( hate to say it cause well fuck gm but yea there nice)

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